Assessment task 2: Group project and an individual written component: Instructionally designed professional learning resource (TOTAL 2000 words equivalent, 50%)
This task aligns to unit learning outcomes: 3, 4 and 5.
You are an expert on STEM education and have been asked by a preschool to deliver a professional learning program on STEM integration. The preschool seeking your assistance aspires for their children to be creative and critical thinkers of tomorrow. The preschool director is finding it difficult to put together a STEM education program that caters to the diverse needs and experiences of their educators and children/family needs and contexts. The preschool hopes to convince their staff to adopt STEM education practices.
In seeking your expertise, the centre director would like to achieve the following objectives, through a purposeful STEM professional learning program:
- Enhance educator confidence in planning and integrating STEM education
- Equip teachers with two STEM teaching/learning strategies which are evidence-based, that the preschool can start using as soon as possible.
Part A Equivalent to 1600 words: The assignment Part A requires you to work in a group of TWO students (in pairs)
- Design a STEM professional learning program resource consisting of a sequence of strategies (at least 2) that is clearly linked to the curriculum frameworks, and used for training colleagues to use for example, the integration of technology in STEM education
- Design the STEM professional learning program resource that involves connecting with a local community group and/or engages parents and carers
You will present your STEM professional learning program resource in class tutorials (either face to face/Online). You can use a PPT of no more than 10 slides for developing this STEM professional learning program resource. If you wish to use any other mode of presentation, please discuss with your tutor.
Part B: Individual written component: 400 words +/- 10%
A written component that explains the learning objectives, links to curriculum and/or policy, describes your role in the implementation and includes an evaluation/reflection of the expected outcomes.
A high-quality project and individual written component will demonstrate a clear grasp and critical analysis of key concepts, theories and research literature.
Presentation requirements: You will pdf your group PPT (Part A) and your individual written component (Part B) and submit as ONE document on Moodle
Criteria for Marking:
- Introduction to the STEM professional learning program resource (10%)
- Information covered on the strategies – at least two (20%)
- The use of information relating to links to curriculum and/or policy frameworks in training colleagues for STEM integration and connecting with a local community group and/or engages parents and carers, (40%)
- Evidence of excellent understanding of the relevant literature to support the strategies and describes your role in the implementation and includes an evaluation/reflection of the expected outcomes (20%)
- Demonstrated mastery of academic attributes: logical structure, clear and correct language, correct citing and referencing, and word count (equivalent) (10%)
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