1) Introduction:
Scenario description: ???
ER diagram based on your created scenario
- Normalizations missing:
You will need to normalise all of your entities, to resolve any many to many relationships. Observe the following restrictions when creating your scenario: - One (or more) of your entities must have a numeric field - One (or more) of your entities must contain an alphanumeric (varchar) field - One of your entities must contain a compound key - Do not have include cyclic relationship (A->B->C->A) Your attribute names, primary and foreign keys should be indicated as per the conventions given in the lecture slides (i.e. attributes as proper nouns, primary key underlined and foreign keys in italic All many to many relationships should be resolved, and you may wish to include a discussion of normalisation including the normal form that each entity is in and why that is optimal.
Example data
Course Table
Registration Table
Student Table
School year Table
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