ACC 201: ESSENTIALSOFA CCOUNTING ACCOUNTINGFORASIDEB USINESS SPRING2023: WHITMANSCHOOLOFM ANAGEMENT TUESDAY& THURSDAY3:30-4:50PM& 5:00-6:20 PM PROFESSOR : ALEXTHEVARANJAN, PH DWhitman 639 Email:[email protected] Phone:(315) 530 2363 Zoom Office Hours:Mondays 7-9 pm (sign-up for a 10-minute slot is required) My Office Hours are meant to discuss reflective writing, grades, and any concerns regarding the course. TEACHINGASSISTANT : DAVIDKAHANE Whitman Finance and EEE Major Email:[email protected] Zoom Office Hours:Fridays 9-11 am (sign-up for a 10-minute slot is required) TA's Office Hours are meant to help you with the HW due Friday noon. COURSED ESCRIPTION Accounting is a set of activities that translates day-to-day business transactions intoquantifiable informationuseful fordecision-making. Financial accounting provides information in the form of financial statements (balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement) useful for outside decision makers such as investors, creditors, and the government. In contrast, managerial accounting provides information in the form of decision-making tools (break-even analysis, cost of capital analysis, incremental-value analysis, NPV analysis, IRR analysis, tax analysis, valuation analysis, and ROE analysis) useful for various managerial decisions. An entrepreneur is an investor and a manager at the same time. As such, focusing on the various decisions of an entrepreneur is a good way to learn both financial and managerial accounting. Accordingly, in this course, you are required to develop a plan for a side business while you are a student at Syracuse University. Both the financial accounting and the managerial accounting principles you learn in this course will help you make better decisions and prepare a soundbusiness plan. You can present this business plan to a bank manager or an angel investor for financing or to a potential employer during a job interview. Accounting is also thelanguage of business.In this role, it helps the various branches of business (finance, marketing, supply chain, operations, and strategy) communicate effectively with each other and with outsiders. This is why this course is a required course for most Whitman minors. LEARNINGOBJECTIVES : 1.To prepare a business plan for a side business in line with your "DNA" 2.To identify and classify costs 3.To estimate and enhance revenues and profits 4.To learn accounting tools that facilitate managerial decisions: IV, BE, WACC, NPV, IRR and Tax Analysis 5.To understand the three financial statements: Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement 6.To analyze the financial statements: Valuation and ROE Analysis 7.To understand the double entry process and the preparation of financial statements 8.To develop Excel skills
TEXTBOOK : Accounting for a Side Business(fifth edition) by Alex Thevaranjan. Automatically available in the blackboard through the Orange Instant Access. The e-book is accompanied by three Excel Worksheets (Blank, Completed, Completed App) that you will use to complete your business plan calculations. All profits from this textbook will be donated to social entrepreneurship projects conducted by Professor Thevaranjan. COURSEFORMAT : Friday Midnight:Posting ofLecture Videos The week begins with the posting of the weekly lecture video.There are two parts to the weekly lecture video. The first part is the review of theFour Accounting Conceptsfor that week, which is the most important part. Accordingly, while watching this part, take good notes in the e-book, particularly fill in the blank spaces. At the end of each concept, there is a practice quiz question to test your comprehension. Accordingly, refer to your notes and predict the correct answer for practice quiz question for that concept before continuing the lecture video. The second part is the application of these four concepts to anAccounting Problem.It is important that you learn how to solve this Accounting Problem. Reflective Writing: 10% of the grade You can earn one reflective writing (RW) point a week. To earn this point, while watching the video lecture, you must carefully take notes in the book. BeforeMonday midnight, you must post on theRW Discussion Board, a 'concept learned.' You must write a brief paragraph about one of the four accounting concepts that impacted you the most. This paragraph must reflect what you heard in the video lecture. Note that you will not earn this point by just repeating what is written in the textbook. The maximum RW points you can earn during the semester in only 10. In other words, you are allowed to miss the posting a few weeks without facing a penalty.
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