1.1 Introduction
In this project a solar seeker has been designed to follow sun. Solar seeker follows the sun and if the sensor attached with the seeker senses the sun then solar seeker stops automatically. Now after some time sun move from its position, then again seeker sensor sense the light and drives the motor slowly as shown in fig 1.1.
Movement of the seeker is restricted from left to right for limited area. To control the left and right limit of the sensor LDR sensor is used for this purpose.
For sensing the sun light photo sensor is mounted on the top of the solar seeker. Photo sensor sense the light and provide signal to the motor control circuit. If the light is sufficient then photo-detector provide a signal to the microcontroller and microcontroller stops the motor at this position.
1.2 Need/Necessity/Motivation for selecting the project
Global warming has increased the demand and request for green energy produced by renewable sources such as solar power. Consequently, solar tracking is increasingly being applied as a sustainable power generating solution.
Solar tracking system is a device for orienting a solar panel or concentrating a solar reflector or lens towards the sun. Concentrators, especially in solar cell applications, require a high degree of accuracy to ensure that the concentrated sunlight is directed precisely to the powered device. Precise tracking of the sun is achieved through systems with single or dual axis tracking.
Other benefits of solar trackers over fixed flat-panels are:-
- Increased solar panel output.
- Increased power per unit area.
- Able to grab the energy throughout the day.
1.3 Objectives of Project Work
Our project is to design a solar tracker which can collect solar energy for the longest period of the day. The idea is to be able to tilt the solar panels in the direction that the sun moves throughout the day and, hence, throughout the year as the seasons and weather changes. The functionality is simple – the more the photovoltaic panels can face directly toward the sun, the more power can be generated.
Even though a fixed flat-panel can be set to collect a high proportion of available noon-time energy, significant power is also available in the early mornings and late afternoons when the misalignment with a fixed panel becomes excessive to collect a reasonable proportion of the available energy. For example, even when the Sun is only 10° above the horizon the available energy can be around half the noon-time energy levels (or even greater depending on latitude, season, and atmospheric conditions).
So, the overall objective to improve solar panel efficiency by aiming solar panel towards sun.
The improved efficiency allows fewer panels to produce required amount of electrical energy becoming not only energy efficient but also cost effective and reducing roof space needed for solar panel
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