The paper which has been identified for the analysis is “PRIPARE: Integrating Privacy Best Practices into a Privacy Engineering Methodology” by Notario et al. [1]. The articles is about the different stages of system development lifecycle, through which different privacy analysis approaches can be identified and integrated for developing a standardized solution of privacy protection. The core purpose of this report is to analyze the core content and findings of the identified research paper, such that different privacy design approaches can be assessed, knowledge of system engineering methodology can be extended and the relevance of research paper with course can be identified. The research paper is analyzed by stating its purpose and then by highlighting the key findings of the course. The different approach of data privacy detailed in research paper are mentioned and then procedures through which integration of two approaches can be carried out is also highlighted. Finally, the significance of research and its connection with course is also mentioned.
Analysis of Research Paper
The research paper has focused on the report of Preparing Industry to Privacy by Design by supporting its Application in Research (PRIPARE) with an aim of gaining insight of analysis and design stages of System Development Lifecycle (SDL) [1]. The authors have further reviewed that existing approaches of privacy analytics, such that their positive and negative aspects can be identified and their integration can be carried out by combining with standardization efforts.
The incorporation of privacy by design principles is regarded as important for incorporation of privacy into system engineering methodology, yet the current abstract nature of principles and lack of integration into single system methodological perspective, make it hard for system engineers to gain clear insight of the notion. These issues are well addressed in PRIPARE report and the study of [1] has mainly addressed two aspects for identifying operational privacy requirements during software development process. The first is risk based approach, while other is goal oriented approach. The paper has carried out in-depth analysis of both approaches, such that risk based approach has been considered as identification of threats to privacy, assessment of risk encompassing its probability and impact and then proposal of treatment to deal with the risk [1,3]. Thus, the system design engineers who focus on risk based approach are required to consider measures at design stage to cope with the privacy threats. On the other hand, the goal oriented approach addresses different principles or goals which are fulfilled with the purpose of ensuring higher level of privacy in system development. The goals could be related to data protection, accountability, anonymity of user and privacy of content. All of the major goals are divided into low level guidelines and based on the priority level of requirements, privacy goals are met [2]. Thus, based on the conformance with privacy goals, system engineers may assure higher level of data protection.
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