Task 1 – Workplace inspection and risk assessment
Today you are required to complete a workplace inspection and related documentation with your team. To prepare for the inspection, you will need to access the MESafe folder in the Student Supporting Resources’ Folder, folder #3_Risk Management and access copies of:
- SITXWHS007_Workplace inspection checklist
- SITXWHS007_Risk Register Template
- SITXWHS007_Hazard report form
With your team, complete the workplace inspection to identify any hazards and areas of non-compliance. Once the workplace inspection has been conducted, you will need to have a robust consultation with the team to develop the risk register and complete the hazard report form. Part of the inspection will also include an assessment of various WHS practices, including current training records, so you will need to review all documents in the MESafe folder to ensure you are reporting accurately.
During the inspection, you will need to explain relevant health, safety and security information, policies and procedures to the team and ensure that they have opportunities to ask questions and contribute their views on health and safety practices. When completing the risk register, you will need to reference specific policies, procedures, and legislation, so use this as an opportunity to share your WHS knowledge with the team.
Once you have completed your inspections and applicable reports, you will need to store them by creating a folder called ‘Risk Assessment_[insert today’s date]’. This folder must be in #3_Risk Management> #1_Completed risk assessment.
Your assessor will observe your workplace inspection and consultation and will assess you using the observation checklist. Review the observation checklist before completing your role play to ensure you understand what your assessor is looking for. Details of your roleplay are as follows:
Roleplay title | Workplace inspection and risk management consultation |
Scenario | You will be required to conduct a workplace inspection and document outcomes on the SITXWHS007_Workplace inspection checklist. Once the inspection has been completed, you must consult with the team to identify hazards, assess risks, and determine applicable controls. Outcomes of the consultation need to be documented on:
· SITXWHS007_Risk Register Template · SITXWHS007_Hazard report form Note: At a minimum, you must identify one (1) hazard and four (4) risks |
Participants | Student + a minimum of 2 classmates to play the roles of your team |
Date/time/location | Trainer/assessor to advise |
Roleplay length | Approximately 60 minutes |
Before the role play | Ensure you are well versed with the MESafe documentation. |
Required resources | · SITXWHS007_Workplace inspection checklist
· SITXWHS007_Risk Register Template · SITXWHS007_Hazard report form · SITXWHS007_Training-planner · SITXWHS007_WHS Manual · Confirm your trainer/assessor has provided the role play participant with their role player guide |
Interaction objectives | During the roleplay, you must:
1. complete a thorough workplace inspection, ensuring you monitor adherence and compliance with WHS and security procedures, documenting outcomes on the inspection checklist 1. have robust consultation with the team to complete the risk assessment and hazard reporting form, ensuring you effectively react to reports of hazards by the team and identify, at a minimum, one (1) hazard and four (4) risks 2. use appropriate verbal communication, asking open questions to seek and provide feedback, explain relevant health, safety and security information, policies, and procedures, and ensure that the team have opportunities to ask questions and contribute their views on health and safety practices. Note: In Task 2, you must submit the following files: · SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q2_ Workplace inspection · SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q2_Risk register · SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q2_Hazard report form In Task 6, you will need to upload a copy of your MESafe folder so your file storage can be verified. |
Task 2 – Refer risks and arrange training
Now the inspection and consultations have been completed, you must now refer hazards and risks to the general manager in accordance with policies and procedures and arrange any necessary mandatory training which is outstanding. To do this, complete these steps:
Step 1 – training request
Using the training gaps, you identified while completing the workplace inspection and by cross-checking the training planner (MESafe System > #5_Training > SITXWHS007_Training-planner), complete a training request form (located in the same folder as the training planner) to arrange any outstanding mandatory training.
Save the training request form and make a copy. Name it SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q2_ Training request submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.).
Step 2 – file management
Save copies of the Workplace inspection, Risk register and Hazard report form you completed in the previous task in the correct file location: [#3_Risk Management > #1_Completed risk assessments], so they can be uploaded by IT when MESafe is back up and running.
Step 3 – email
Attach the following documents to an email to your general manager (played by your assessor) in Moodle:
- SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q2_ Workplace inspection
- SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q2_Risk register
- SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q2_Hazard report form
- SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q2_ Training request
Your email must include:
- an overview of what is attached
- a summary of relevant health, safety and security information based on the outcomes of the inspections (e.g., hazards identified, applicable risks and controls)
- a summary of feedback (yours and the teams) relating to WHS management practices
- other information you deem appropriate
When sending an email – follow the instructions in ‘How to send emails from Moodle – Student’
Include the unit number (SITXWHS007) in your subject line
Complete your email draft in this template. Copy and paste content from here into your email in Moodle to send.
Before you send your email, check you have used effective communication, the correct greeting, and have met all the criteria listed above. Make sure you:
- send your email to your assessor in Moodle
- a screenshot of your sent email and paste it below.
Task 3 – Make all information readily available
You have just received an email response from Kyle:
□ |
To | [email protected]; |
From | [email protected]; | |
Subject | RE: Making documents accessible | |
Good afternoon
Thanks so much for sending the reports through so promptly. I have already approved the training request and will meet with you later today to discuss the controls suggested. A couple of items that need your attention: 1) We are required by law to ensure all WHS information is readily available to staff. Given the MESafe system is down, we need to email staff copies of the following documents, so they have access to crucial information in the interim: · SITXWHS007_WHS Manual · SITXWHS007_Hazard report form · SITXWHS007_Incident and accident report form · SITXWHS007_WHS Refresher Training 2) There is an open incident report for Virgil Oppenheimer, but key parts of the form are missing information. Greg is on a day off, but I have messaged him and asked him to email you the details so you can speak with Virgil while on shift today. We have a target of closing these reports within 48 hours, so please make this a priority. Kind regards Kyle Collins General Manager, Ellia Hotel |
While you wait for the email from Greg, you will need to email all staff to ensure they have access to applicable WHS information. To do this, complete the following steps:
Step 1 – download documents
Access the MESafe System and download copies of all the documents you need to send to your staff.
Step 2 – email
Attach these documents to an email to your all staff (played by your assessor) in Moodle:
- SITXWHS007_WHS manual
- SITXWHS007_Hazard report form
- SITXWHS007_Incident and accident report form
- SITXWHS007_WHS refresher training
Your email must include:
- an update regarding the MESafe system being offline
- an overview of what is attached
- a request they get in touch with you if they require any other health, safety, and security information
- other information you deem appropriate.
When sending an email – follow the instructions in ‘How to send emails from Moodle – Student’
Include the unit number (SITXWHS007) in your subject line
Complete your email draft in this template. Copy and paste content from here into your email in Moodle to send.
Before you send your email, check you have used effective communication, the correct greeting, and have met all the criteria listed above. Make sure you:
- send your email to your assessor in Moodle
- a screenshot of your sent email and paste it below.
Task 4 – Incident/accident investigation and disciplinary action
You have just received an email from Greg:
□ |
To | [email protected]; |
From | [email protected]; | |
Subject | RE: Incident report | |
Good afternoon
I meant to make a note in the management diary, but we finished so late last night I completely forgot. So…. Virgil cut his finger on shift, and when I asked if he was wearing the tomato glove, he said he was. Something about it just didn’t sit right. At about 10pm, we had a quiet patch, so I checked the cameras, and sure enough, he wasn’t wearing the glove. He had finished his shift by the time I had a chance to look at the footage, so I haven’t taken it any further. He has not only lied, but as one of our HSRs, he should really know better. I was going to address it with him next time we were working, but it might actually be better if you chat with him today. He is a really good employee; I just don’t know what he was thinking. He has done the equipment training, so I think he will need a written warning. Kind regards Gregory Daley Duty Manager, Ellia Hotel |
You must now meet with Virgil to discuss the incident further. To ensure you are prepared for the meeting, access and download and review the following documents:
- #2_WHS Policies and Procedures > SITXWHS007_WHS Manual >
- WHS001 Work Health and Safety Policy
- WHS003 Roles and Responsibilities for WHS
- WHS022 Kitchen Safety
- WHS024 Legal and Other WHS Information
- #4_Incident Reporting> #1_Open reports >
- Virgil Oppenheimer.
- #7_HSR documents
- SITXWHS007_HSR guide
During the meeting, you will need to:
- Discuss what happened and clarify missing details of the incident report
- Explain applicable health, safety, and security information including, but not limited to:
- employee responsibilities to ensure the safety of self, other workers, and other people in the workplace
- employee responsibility to participate in WHS practices
- ramifications of failure to observe WHS legislation and organisational policies and procedures
- applicable policies and procedures that must be followed
As this conversation may well turn into disciplinary action, access, and review the documents provided in #8_Employee disciplinary templates. Specifically read and access these documents:
- managing-underperformance-initial-steps-checklist
- First-warning-letter-template
- Staff-meeting-record-template
In accordance with employee relations law, you must never enter a disciplinary conversation with a result formulated – you need to discuss the details of the incident with Virgil and go from there. If it is revealed misconduct has occurred, then a first written warning will need to be issued, and you will need to discuss this with Virgil and set a date for review.
During the meeting, be sure to take detailed notes as you may need to create further documentation and reports after the meeting.
Your assessor will observe your role play and will assess you using the observation checklist. Review the observation checklist before completing your role play to ensure you understand what your assessor will be looking for. Details of your roleplay are as follows:
Roleplay title | Incident investigation roleplay |
Scenario | You will be meeting with Virgil Oppenheimer to discuss the incident report he submitted. During this meeting, you must get to the bottom of what happened, and you will need to explain applicable health, safety, and security information relative to the incident. If there is clear evidence of misconduct, you need to discipline the staff member accordingly. |
Participants | Student + 1 classmate to play the role of Virgil Oppenheimer |
Date/time/location | Trainer/assessor to advise |
Roleplay length | Approximately 30 minutes |
Before the role play | Ensure you are well versed with each of the documents in your required resources. |
Required resources | · SITXWHS007_WHS Manual
· Incident Virgil Oppenheimer · managing-underperformance-initial-steps-checklist · First-warning-letter-template · Staff-meeting-record-template · Confirm your trainer/assessor has provided the role play participant with their role player guide |
Interaction objectives | During the meeting, you must:
1. explain the purpose of the meeting and discuss the incident in detail with Virgil to clarify what occurred and any missing details in the report, ask open questions to seek and provide feedback, and ensure Virgil has opportunities to ask questions and contribute their views on health and safety practices and the situation. 2. explain applicable health, safety, and security information including, but not limited to: o employee responsibilities to ensure the safety of self, other workers, and other people in the workplace o employee responsibility to participate in WHS practices o ramifications of failure to observe WHS legislation and organisational policies and procedures o applicable policies and procedures that must be followed. 1. discuss and agree on actions moving forward. |
Note: Take detailed notes during this meeting as you will be required to close this incident report and generate further documentation in Task 5. |
Task 5 – Report outcomes of the meeting
Now the meeting is finished, prepare the applicable documentation, and refer it to your general manager. To do this, complete the steps below.
Step 1 – complete documents
You must now document the outcomes of the meeting and prepare the first warning letter to be sent to Virgil. To do this, download and complete required sections of these templates:
- First-warning-letter-template
- Staff-meeting-record-template
Save the first warning letter and name it SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q5_ First-warning-letter- submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.).
Save the staff meeting record and name it SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q5_ Staff-meeting-record-submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.).
Step 2 – complete training form
As requested in the meeting, complete a training request form (MESafe System > #5_Training > SITXWHS007_Training Request Form) to arrange the requested training. Save the training request form and make a copy. Name it SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q5_ Training request submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.).
Step 3 – finalise incident report
Finalise the incident report by completing the missing sections in Part A, and the result of the investigation in Part B. Save the incident report and name it SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q5_ incident-report submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.). Save a copy of the final incident report in the correct file location: #4_Incident Reporting> #2_Closed reports] so they can be uploaded by IT when MESafe is back up and running.
Step 4 – email
Attach the following documents to an email to your general manager (played by your assessor) in Moodle:
- SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q5_ First-warning-letter
- SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q5_ Staff-meeting-record
- SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q5_ Training request
- SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q5_ incident-report
Your email must include:
- an overview of what is attached
- an overview of what occurred during the meeting, including a summary of feedback (yours and Greg’s) relating to WHS management practices
- a request for the general manager to approve the document and requested training
- other information you deem appropriate.
When sending an email – follow the instructions in ‘How to send emails from Moodle – Student’
Include the unit number (SITXWHS007) in your subject line
Complete your email draft in this template. Copy and paste content from here into your email in Moodle to send.
Before you send your email, check you have used effective communication, the correct greeting, and have met all the criteria listed above. Make sure you:
- send your email to your assessor in Moodle
- a screenshot of your sent email and paste it below.
Task 6 – Review WHS performance and arrange training
It has been 12 weeks since you conducted the workplace inspection. It is now time to conduct a full review of WHS performance data and feedback to determine how successful control measures have been and how well WHS practices are being implemented at the hotel. During your review, you will also need to determine if any training needs to be adjusted in terms of frequency, whether optional training now needs to be mandatory etc. To do this, follow the steps below.
Step 1 – performance review template
Access and review the SITXWHS007_Q6_Performance data in the supporting resources folder. Complete each section of the SITXWHS007_Q6_WHS Performance Review Template to record your analysis.
Save this document and name it SITXWHS007 _[Your Name]_Q6_WHS Review submission1 (if your first attempt, submission2 if your second etc.)
Step 2 – file management
Save a copy of the report in the correct file location: [#1_WHS Plans> #1_WHS Performance reports>] so they can be uploaded by IT when MESafe is back up and running.
Step 3 – email
Attach the WHS review to an email and send it to your assessor (playing the role of the WHS team and senior management) in and include:
- an overview of what is attached
- a summary of what is meeting/exceeding targets
- a summary of what is failing to meet targets
- your recommendations for training that needs to be adjusted
- 0ther information you deem appropriate
When sending an email – follow the instructions in ‘How to send emails from Moodle – Student’
Include the unit number (SITXWHS007) in your subject line
Complete your email draft in this template. Copy and paste content from here into your email in Moodle to send.
Before you send your email, check you have used effective communication, the correct greeting, and have met all the criteria listed above. Make sure you:
- send your email to your assessor in Moodle
- a screenshot of your sent email and paste it below.
Task 7 – Upload stored documents
You have just been informed by the IT team that MESafe is now back up and running and they have cleared the backlog of outstanding uploads. They are wanting to cross-reference all files to ensure everything has been uploaded correctly.
Now upload a copy of the MESafe folder so the IT team can cross-check all files. To do this:
- zip the folder and name it SITXWHS007_[Your Name] Q7_ MESafe
- upload the folder under the appropriate submission link for this task.
If you need assistance with how to ‘zip’ files, access the resources below:
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