SISFFIT018 Promote functional movement capacity

Assessment Checklist

Please check off the each box as you complete each section of your assignment:

☐                     Student Name and Student ID on cover sheet?

☐                     Written Questions 1 – 11 completed?

☐                     Part A – Postural assessment?

☐                     Part B – long answer questions?




  1. What is functional movement screen?
  2. What are 7 basic functional movement tests?
  3. How and why are these functional movement used in day to day professional practice?
  4. Provide example how functional movement test prevent injury in fitness setting?
  5. Explain what is meant by postural biomechanics and symptoms of poor posture? 
  6.  Consider Squat functional movement test, which joints, muscles and connective tissues are involved? Also suggest would this information benefit exercise strategies?
  7. Develop strategies to promote functional movement, exercise performance and reduce likelihood of injury.
  8. What is difference between static and dynamic posture? 
  9.  List exercises or activities that are contraindicated or may further exacerbate any postural variance.
  10. Provide some example where you can modify client exercise technique and dynamic posture as required
  11. List 5 allied health professional, that you might refer to as required and why?

PART A – Postural Assessment

Practical Lesson Plan

SISFFIT018 - Promote functional movement capacity


Session length                               30minutes

Style / Type                                     Postural Assessment

Location                                            Theory Room, Outdoor or Group Exercise Studio

Part A - Perform postural assessment and mobility test

  1. Students must conduct a professional static postural assessment and record the results accordingly.:       
  • Select a flat surface for the client to stand on
  • Ask the client to wear minimal clothing (shirt off for men and sports bra for women) This allows for unrestricted observation
  • Ask the client to take up a neutral stance on a line marked on the floor in front of the posture grid or screen
  • Take up a position that provides a clear and unrestrictive view of the client – no less than 3 m from the client should be satisfactory
  • Ask the client to relax and breathe normally

Students are to pair up and perform the below 4 mobility tests. 

Mobility Test

Result / Notes

Rating /5

Lying Hamstring Test



Shoulder Flexion Test



Standing Calf Test



Thomas test



For your reference the following units are being assessed during this practical lesson.




4.1          Apply understanding of postural mechanisms and symptoms of poor posture to client observation and consultation.


4.2          Observe client static posture and identify issues that may be relevant in a dynamic setting.

You will need to be deemed satisfactory in all above competencies to pass this assessment. For any areas that are not satisfactory your trainer will discuss with you to assess understanding and make a final decision on your competency.

Reassessments will be via the usual CSF reassessment policy.

PART B - Long answer questions


Part B - Postural abnormalities

  1. Describe Upper cross syndrome and the potential risks associated?
  2. Describe Lower cross syndrome and the potential risks associated?
  3. Why does Lower cross syndrome put a client at an increased risk of lower back injury? Explain your response using anatomical terminology.
  1. List the contraindications for a client who has Upper cross syndrome and explain for each activity why?

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