Student Assessment Tasks
Students are required to address ALL questions in this assessment task.
This assessment is based on the following scenario:
You have decided to begin a new fitness related business (it can be based on a real business you are planning or an ‘imaginary’ business).
Task 1: Business Plan
- Provide a brief summary about your proposed business and the services it will offer.
- Research your business idea and provide a summary for each of the following Suggested resources to help with your research include:
- Internet and websites
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- Fitness Australia website
- Resources from Topic 7 of your online course
Ensure you include the reference source of all your data (e.g. website address).
- Why have you decided to start the business?
- Outline the following statistics to support the need for your business? Ensure that all
research sources/ statistics are cited appropriately.
- Local market data:
- Trends of similar business:
- Opposition businesses in surrounding areas:
- Socio-economic data:
- Population growth/ decline:
- Where have you chosen to locate / operate your business and why?
- How many competitors are there in the same area offering similar services and who are they? If there are no similar businesses or competitors in the area then identify the nearest/closest similar competitor business that may pose a
- How much do the competitors charge? Outline their pricing
- Based on your research from Question 2, design a business plan that includes all of the following:
- The structure of your business (i.e. is your business a partnership / sole trader / company) and why you chose this model?
- Two business goals and objectives (including timeframes for the achievement of goals)
- Business name, logo and slogan
- Business Name:
- Slogan:
- Logo: (Please upload in the space below)
- Mission Statement
- Vision Statement
- Outline a description of two of the products and services you will offer including the
prices you will charge)
- Other services required to run your business:
- Identification of at least two possible risks that may impact the success
of the business. Include in this one internal and one external.
- Internal Risk):
- External Risk):
- Outline the probability of the risks occurring:
- What would the impact be on the business in relation to these risks?
- Classify the risks into high, medium or low priority:
- Outline two actions you would take to minimise, control or manage each risk: 1)
- How you will measure the performance of the business against your business Outline two ways this will be undertaken.
- Outline two advantages of creating a business plan before you start a
Task 2: Marketing and Advertising Plan
- Design a marketing plan to show how you will market and promote your The marketing plan must include all of the following:
- Your intended target market:
- Your unique selling point / point of difference:
- Two promotional and advertising activities you will use and why you selected them based on your intended target market:
- When the marketing and promotional activities will be
- The expected costs of your marketing and advertising Outline the process you took to reach this.
- i) Pretend you have two business partners responsible for marketing the Outline 2 of their main roles and responsibilities in the space below:
- ii) In the space below, outline an email you might send to those involved in the marketing process outlining their roles and
- Outline two ways you will evaluate whether your marketing strategy is working effectively
- Outline two ways you will gather and analyse information from your clients to evaluate the success of your methods of
- On reflection you have noted that the marketing plan could be improved to increase
sales even more. Outline two amendments you would make.
- i) Outline two ways you will monitor the market for changes and opportunities for new business
- ii) Outline two ways you will conduct ongoing research of customer requirements and expectations to identify opportunities for change and Include one online and one offline strategy.
- Analyse the positives and negatives of using the following advertising methods for your business: Outline two positive advantages and two disadvantages for each.
Advertising Methods | Positives | Negatives |
Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) | ||
Websites | ||
Printed Fliers and Brochures | ||
Referrals (Word of Mouth) |
- List two relevant authorities/ people you would consult when developing your marketing
- Provide an example of how should you adjust your marketing strategy to ensure it is suitable for specific cultural/ religious clientele.
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Task 3: Business Operations and Legalities
- Investigate and summarise each of the following requirements associated with operating
the business:
- i) How do you register your business name?
- How much does it cost?
- How do you obtain your Australian Business Number (ABN) and how much does it cost?
- Are permits required to operate your business (e.g. to use parks, beaches, public places)?
Y/ N
- If so, how do you apply?
- How much does it cost?
- How often are permits renewed?
- If permits are not required then outline an example for a business that would be required to have permits to operate outdoors and how they would minimise the environmental
- Outline one way you would minimise the environmental impact when running your business
- i) How do you obtain insurance and fitness registration?
- How much does it cost?
- Are there any insurance/registration alternatives? If so, outline how their pricing structure compares.
- i) Outline two tax implications for small businesses?
- How can you find out information on tax you need to pay?
- List four examples of the documentation you need to maintain for tax purposes?
- i) Investigate your equipment Provide a list of what do you need and how many of each.
- Analyse the positives and negatives of purchasing versus leasing Outline one for each
Advantage 1)
Disadvantage 1)
- Outline the process required to secure your required equipment
- i) What is a domain name?
- How do you register for one?
- How much does it cost?
- i) Outline two other staff you will need, including specialist services, their roles and
- ii) Outline one explanation of how you confirmed that they were the correct fit for your business.
- i) What are two positives and two negatives of employing other staff including
insurance, workers’ entitlements, costs, contracts, recruitment and training.
Advantage 1)
Advantage 2)
Disadvantage 1)
Disadvantage 2)
- ii) Outline one legal rights and obligation for the following:
Sole Trader)
- i) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of leasing or renting a facility or space within a fitness centre versus undertaking personal training outdoors. Outline one advantage and one disadvantage for
Advantage 1)
Disadvantage 1)
- As part of your business plan, briefly outline the process required to undertake a lease. CLICK HERE for further information.
- Outline two requirements you would need to undertake if terminating your CLICK HERE for further information.
- Summarise the workplace health and safety requirements of your planned business Outline three areas you need to be aware of and
- Summarise the audit strategy you would use to ensure:
- All legal documentation is secure and regularly updated and maintained:
- The practices, products and services provided by the business remain compliant with all legal and regulatory requirements:
- The actions you would take to remedy a non-compliance:
- How you would ensure that relevant documents are accessible to regulatory authorities as required
- Outline two requirements in regards to equal opportunity which you should consider when setting up your CLICK HERE for more information.
- Use the ‘Business Cashflow’ template included in this assessment to list:
- The expenses you would accumulate over a typical month year of operating your
- The number of products/services you would need to deliver to cover expenses and
achieve a profit.
Refer to the Example Profit and Loss Spreadsheet Resource from Topic 7 of your online
course to assist with your business cash flow.
Business Cash flow Template
Task 4: Selling Your PT Services
- Prepare and develop a sales presentation that can be used to ethically promote the
products and services of the business (e.g. a flier, web page, electronic advertisement). In your sales presentation identify the following:
- Two key features of the main products and services
- Two benefits of the services and how they align to the needs and goals of target Include proof of the product/service benefits (e.g. client testimonials).
- Two additional/alternative products or services (opportunities for cross selling such as water bottles, clothing, training equipment, supplements, massage etc.)
- Target clients
- Costs
- Location/ venue where the service will be provided and when
- Business contact details (email, phone number)
- Customer loyalty programs to generate repeat business
Provide a copy of your sales presentation (or URL link to your website -list below) when you submit this assessment (please attach your presentation in the box below).
Sales Presentation:
- Develop a client agreement form that can be issued to confirm a new sale and inform new clients of the terms and conditions associated with participating in your fitness Include the following in your client agreement form:
- Client contact details
- Product/ service selection options
- Costs and payment plans
- Terms and conditions - g. Cancellation policy, extreme weather policy, disclosure of
injuries, client lateness, trainer lateness
Provide a copy of your client agreement when you submit this assessment (please upload as a separate document).
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