This assessment builds on the first two assessments and focuses on the social and environmental determinants of health for the selected health issue. Understanding this context of health and illness enables the nurse to develop and contribute to meaningful and effective clinical and population health interventions.
The importance of self-care, community engagement, and empowerment are considered, along with the role of nurse as advocate and facilitator of positive health change.
This assessment requires the compilation of a report to demonstrate the knowledge that you have gained within this subject on the social determinants of health, specifically as they relate the case study and health issue you worked on in the first two assessments (i.e. Video 1: David - hypertension, Video 2: Rhonda – diabetes and Video 3: Theo – depression). This report additionally requires considering issues of health literacy and community engagement as well as self-care as a nurse.
Your report should cover the following:
- Choose 4 social and environmental determinants of health from the listing below, and explain how they may influence your chosen health issue from the video case study used in Assessment 1 and 2 (i.e. Video 1: David - hypertension, Video 2: Rhonda – diabetes and Video 3: Theo – depression).
- social gradient
- poverty and deprivation
- where you live (housing and neighbourhood)
- education
- environment (climate, pollution, sanitation)
- employment status (and conditions of employment)
- transport,
- early childhood life
- personal health strategies
- social support and exclusion
- food
- health systems
- gender and violence
- Describe examples of ways in which to engage and empower the community and increase health literacy on the health issue presented in your chosen case study video. Consider what communication and cultural issues need to be considered?
- What impact on a nurse might there be when working with this health population and what self-care strategies could be employed to maintain own well-being and model self- care?
Please note: this report should contain an introduction, body and conclusion (see below for further information on writing reports).
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
Submission Instructions:
When: Assessment 3, Report is due to be uploaded to Blackboard by 11:55pm Sunday Week 10 (Module 5, Subject 5.2)
Where: Blackboard: Assessment link
Format: Report form, academic writing. The report must include cover sheet, page numbers, word count, headings, reference list.
File naming: Before submitting your files, you must name your files as follows:
Referencing: Please follow the APA referencing style.
- Assessments cannot be emailed directly to the
- If you are late with your assessment submission, you need to follow the late assessment procedure relevant to your campus.
- Feedback can be viewed in My Grades on
Helpful Guidelines -How to Write a Report?
The purpose of writing a report is to present information which can be described or analysed. The key differences between writing a report and an essay; are that an essay provides opportunity for exploration of ideas which can be expanded on in a lot more detail. A report on the other hand is more prescriptive in its structure and the language that is used. This means that your writing style needs to be concise and clear. Reports are broken up into headings and subheadings, can include tables, graphs and diagrams; and information can be presented in dot point form where appropriate.
The following is a basic report structure which can be used to successfully complete this assessment task.
This section requires you to provide background information on the topic you have chosen to investigate (including historical context, surrounding changes in our understanding), the purpose of your report, and what information your report will contain. This section is to be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. It does not to contain any dot point information or tables, graphs and diagrams.
Body of Report
This section will be broken up into a series of subheadings which will address each of the key areas you are required to research for your topic. The majority of these sections should be written in complete sentences and paragraphs however, you can include graphs,
diagrams and tables that may be appropriate. Ensure that you title these clearly, in the correct way, and reference using the APA system where necessary. Tables, graphs and diagrams can also be added in an appendix at the end of your report, and when doing this, you need to clearly state where the item can be located. Generally, information presented in this format does not count towards your overall word count. Some information may be presented in dot point, however if the majority of your information is set out in this way it makes it difficult to evaluate your level of understanding for each area being researched.
This section brings together all of the information that you have presented in your report, and links back to your introduction any information that adds value to our overall understanding of the topic. You can also discuss any areas which have been identified as requiring further research or investigation and how this will work to improve or change our understanding of the topic. This section does not introduce or discuss any new information specifically, and like the introduction, will be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. No tables, graphs, diagrams or dot points.
Here you can include information which you may have referred to specifically throughout your report, but were unable to include directly into the report (usually due to limited word count). You need to ensure that anything you include here is clearly titled and easily identifiable as to where it relates within your report.
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