SBM1204 Applied Project - Assignment Solution


1.1. Project title

This particular project is entitled project delivery systems. It focuses on a project and discusses the most appropriate project delivery system to be implemented in the case of that specific project. For this particular report, the project that has been selected for the discussion is Parramatta Light Rail project.

1.2. Project background

The Parramatta Light Rail project is one of the major public transport projects proposed by the New South Wales government. It is an integral part of a record AUD 89.7 billion program of infrastructure across the state of Australia. The project is supposedly to be built in various stages and phases in order to synchronise the base of the project with the new jobs and new housing schemes created in western Sydney.

The first stage of this project aims to connect Westmead to Carlingford why are the Parramatta CBD and camellia. Around 130,000 people have been assumed to be living within walking distance of the site of stage one of the projects by the year 2026. One of the key highlights of the project is a two-way track to Carlingford via camellia and Parramatta CBD. The preferred route for the stage ii of this project will eventually connect the stage 1 to Melrose park, Ermington, Wentworth point and Sydney Olympic park. It is expected that as many as 10 to 12 stocks over a 10-kilometre track will be constructed which will eventually reduce the travel time of around 25 minutes traffic li from Sydney Olympic park to camellia.

2. Objectives and scope

2.1. Objectives

The following are the objectives of this report regarding the product delivery systems analysis pertaining to Parramatta Light Rail project:

  • To design a delivery system for a project of their interest 
  • To carry out a systematic research literature review of the project
  • To outline the assumptions & constrains and delivery system evaluation criteria
  • To consolidate the ideas and draw recommendations from the analysis

Conducting a systematic research literature review and then evaluating the practical implications of the project of Parramatta Light Rail with the theoretical aspects lies within the scope of this report. Moreover, the scope of the project also entails the outlining of the assumptions and constraints to be identified as a payoff of this analysis. In addition to this, drawing recommendations from the evaluation is also within the scope of the report.

2.2. Assumptions and constraints

The following are the two assumptions of this particular discussion pertaining to protect delivery system of Parramatta Light Rail project.:

  • There is no significant influence of the pestle factors. These are the factors which do not particularly influence the Parramatta Light Rail project.
  • The effect of swot factors other than those which have been discussed here is negligible.

The following are the major constraints of the project:

  • A limited budget is one of the main constraints of the project.
  • A limited time frame for completion and an unevaluated PDS for the project are other constraints.

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