Sales by Region: Sperry, Darla, Avone, Gracie, Flip | Document

School: University of Northern Colorado - Course: BACS 101 - Subject: Accounting

OrderDateRegionSales PersonShoe# of PairsPrice Per PairTotal Sale 11/7/2019 WashingtonThompsonGracie280 $59.99 $16,797.20 8/31/2019 WashingtonVosburgerGracie263 $45.34 $11,924.42 8/31/2019 WashingtonVosburgerGracie110 $45.34 $4,987.40 8/22/2019 WashingtonVosburgerSperry77 $66.99 $5,158.23 3/31/2019 WashingtonThompsonSperry127 $66.99 $8,507.73 3/14/2019 WashingtonVosburgerAvone95 $59.99 $5,699.05 2/8/2019 WashingtonVosburgerFlip100 $8.35 $835.00 Total150.2857143 $50.43 $53,909.03 11/7/20198/31/20193/31/2 019 2/8 /20 19 $- $10,000.00 $20,000.00 $30,000.00 $40,000.00 $50,000.00 $60,000.00 Total Sale
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Sales by Region Region 1Region 2Region 3Region 4 Sperry$236,878 $103,774 $390,592 $637,464 Darla$782,155 $774,050 $573,981 $599,668 Avone$725,851 $119,069 $335,384 $381,123 Gracie$313,280 $603,153 $288,828 $904,863 Flip$757,627 $722,935 $441,957 $262,900

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