Lindsay, V. ACC 340 - Module Two Homework Southern New Hampshire University 15 May 2022 1)Using the pivot table sales resource, which salesperson had the highest total sales for the: UK? King, with a total of $116,962.99 USA? Peacock, with a total of $225,763.68 Overall? The USA team made more overall with a grand total of $894,996.49 in sales How many orders were placed on 2/18/2005? 4 What were the total sales for that day? $3,719.10 2)Name at least two types of sales analyses that the controller might perform for the sales team. How would these help the sales team? Helping the sales team through sales analysis can include analyzing sales by region, and analyzing sales by product and looking for trends. Analyzing sales by region will help the sales team diversify its sales efforts by determining areas where sales efforts are too strong and areas where the efforts could be stronger. Sales by product analyses help determine which products generate the most revenue and which products have potential for bringing in more. By looking at past sales, the controller can find trends, such as which products sell more in the summer months compared to those that sell better in winter months. They can also use that data to find poor selling products that could be costing the company more to make and shelf and could possibly be discontinued. 3)Breakeven Questions What are the breakeven points for Widgets A, B, and C given the following information? Fixed costs for A = 500, B = 500, C = 500 Pricing for A = $20, B= $30, C = $40 Variable costs for A =$10, B= $5, C= $20 Breakeven A = 50 Breakeven B = 20 Breakeven C = 25 Suppose the sales manager wanted to discuss lowering the price of product C to $15. What would you tell him?
I would advise him that lowering the cost of Product C to $15 would cause the company to lose money. The breakeven point would be -100, meaning it would cost more to make Product C than what it sold for, causing the company to operate at a loss. Which product is the most profitable if 60 units of each were sold? Widget B would be more profitable due to its lower variable costs and lower breakeven point. 4)Think of any large company. Look up their mission statement. What is their mission statement? Do you think this company lives up to their mission statement? Why or why not? Netflix's mission statement is to "entertain the world." I do believe they live up to that as their content includes a wide variety of genres and their services are available in 190 countries. Streaming is almost effortless as you can use any internet-connected device and it is even easier through the app. Throughout the years, there have been hundreds of shows that have connected people internationally. 5)If you had as much money as Bill Gates and decided to create any company you wanted, what would your business be? What would your mission statement be? How did you come up with this statement? What aspects of your business did you think about to determine your statement? If I had millions of dollars at my disposable to create any company, I would create a trucking/transportation company. We would have the capabilities to transport just about anything, anywhere. The mission statement would be "bringing the world to your doorstep, one delivery at a time." I wanted the statement to be short and sweet, but also strong. When customers think about our company and hear the mission, I want them to feel confident in our abilities. The aspects I thought about are our access to resources, capacity to deliver goods nationally, and our dedicated, hard-working teams that make it happen. 6)List several pros and cons of using only one fixed budget for the year. The pros for a fixed budget center around a company's ability to control their internal environment. When a budget is set, it should allow for all scenarios, expected or unexpected, and a pro to keeping it fixed is that it will restrict any unnecessary spending. Another pro that is especially advantageous for smaller companies is that it improves future planning. Once the budget is set, any extra money that is made throughout the year wouldn't affect the current year budget but can be used in the planning for the next year. The biggest con with a fixed budget is that it would be hard to maintain if there were major changes in the external
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environment. For example, if interest rates were to skyrocket or if any other economic condition were to drastically affect prices of raw materials or shipping costs, a fixed budget would likely not account for those changes and would be ineffective.
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