How the assignment fits the course
Your final assignment covers all the courses learning outcomes and as the largest piece of assessment in the course this assignment serves the same role as the traditional end of semester examination. It therefore requires you to recall and make use of concepts and theories learned throughout the entire course and assesses your ability to bring all these concepts together to answer specific questions.
What do you have to do?
To complete this assignment, you must write well researched, informative but concise answers to all the following questions.
- Identify and discuss the factors that determine the dimensions of an airport’s catchment area and evaluate the relative significance of each factor you identify.
- Identify the factors critical to the success of airport-airline relationships and discuss why those factors are
- Define and briefly describe the pricing strategies used by airlines in competitive markets and discuss why those strategies are
- Identify and briefly describe the rules governing the rostering and workloads of pilots employed in New Briefly discuss the challenges those regulations create for aviation organisations.
- Discuss and briefly describe the key models of HRM practice associated with the airline
- Define and describe how air and noise pollution are measured at airports, and briefly discuss how each of these factors impact on airport operations and decision
How do you format your work?
When completing this assignment, you are expected to research beyond the course study material and textbook. When writing your answers, you must:
- Provide a minimum of three (3) academic references for each answer. Only one of those references can be from material provided on STREAM, this includes the course textbook. Lecture notes must not be used as
Your answers must also:
- Use grammatically correct New Zealand English to write a minimum of 1,800 but no more than 2,400 words not including your reference The word limit applies to the entire assignment.
- Acknowledge all instances in which reference material has been used within the body of your work using APA
- Provide one reference list for the entire assignment that accurately follows
An Assignment 3 marking guide has been provided on STREAM that shows the relative importance of each part of the assignment and how it will be marked.
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