Assessment 2 - Instructions for Report (Literature review)
There are several steps involved in the completion of a systematic review_ You will be guided though this via information on FLO and during the Module 3 lectures_ You will find many support materials on FLO to guide you
In this topic, there is not enough time to go through all the steps involved in completing a systematic search and review to completion, and full reporting. To enable skipping forward (about 4 weeks full time work), these preliminary steps have been completed for you (this is simulated, not real, so you cannot seek to publish your final assignment).
These include (will make more sense during the semester):
PROSPERO Research Protocol (available on FLO)
PICO Search Strategy & Search Syntax (available on FLO)
PRISMA Flow Diagram (available on FLO)
Result ID 'studies included'
o Same 10 journal papers reporting research/evaluations per Assignment 1 o All are available via the Readings link on FLO
When you report on your systematic stippling review, you will be including copied information from the Prospero Research Protocol, the Prisma Flow Diagram in full, and perhaps the PICO if it works for you, with no academic integrity repercussions.
WHAT YOU NEW TO 00 - Extracting the evidence (including quality assessment):
Once a researcher has conducted the search (done for you), completed the screening of articles (done for you) and identified studies to be included in your review (done for you), the next task is to extract evidence from the 'studies included' into summary tables,
You will be undertaking extraction_ This will be presented as a concise table of studies included when reporting your systematic soaping review. The information that needs to be in included, in your own words, is:
Information about the paper/study — author, year, country, level of evidence (quality assessment score)
Information about the study population — sample size, participants, age, gender, diagnosis or other participant characteristics (e.g. chronic disease, homeless etc.), control group/comparator (if relevant) Information about the methods — study design, purpose/type of study (if relevant), intervention, comparison (if relevant), outcome measures
Information about the main results/outcomes including effect size,, direction and significance of effect, themes identified and/or theory generated (these will depend on whether quantitative, qualitative or mixed-rnethods).
Summary tables are useful to compare the design of research or evaluations and their results_ They provide a good approach to presenting a concise overview of the evidence In your systematic scoping review. This will need to be with relevance to your research question (refer to the PROSPERO Research Protocol for the research question)_
while preparing a summary table, this will help you to get to know the 10 studies. In fact. you will already know much of the information In each from your presentation, the 4 x summaries you completed for Assessment 1, and observing the presentations of others in your Journal Club. It would be beneficial to commence your summary table for this Assessment., early, and complete It incrementally, as yeti also progress though Assignment 1_
Examining the range of range of research and evaluation methods used, and in your synthesis of results, you will be able to identify the strengths and limitations across the body of evidence in your systematic seeping. review_ This step will also help you to identify studies to emphasize in drawing your conclusions_ For example, the studies that have strong research designs, positive quality ratings and/or large numbers of participants will be more important for writing the evidence summary than smaller samples and weaker studies.
Accordingly, when you are extracting your data into summary tables you should also assess the quality of each 'study included' using an appropriate quality appraisal tool_ in this topic you have been guided to use the JEN Critical Appraisal Tools available at oba Ica I. a Apra isa I •too is. You will need to score each of the 10
Journal papers and display your scoring in a supplementary table, attached to the end of your systematic scoping review.
Your 2.1.10116wcird review (excluding tables and references) should be structured as follows! Include an Introduction that
- Defines the scope of the topic and the rationale for the research question
- Provides an overview of the topic to inform and update colleagues/readers about the issue (citing other sources as you provide background/context)
- Builds upon the core issues of interest from the Przasr.Filt0 Research Proposal providing the overall structure of your literature review research
Next a Methods section!
- Comprehensive description of the methods used to conduct the search, article selection, data extraction and quality appraisal
- The methods should be described in enough detail so that someone could replicate your review and arrive at the same articles for inclusion)
- Refer to the PROSPERO, but not that this has been intentionally designed for you to check its correctness and add additional information as required for this Methods section
- Include the PRIS MA Flow Diagram and table 5(1111m2 rising the 'Studies Included' (not included in word counts,
Results section_
in this section you present your synthesis (e.g., patterns you have identified from across the 10 "Studies Included'}_ As you do, you critique the body of evidence (only drawl rig from and citing rig these 10 studies., including consideration of the type„ quality., strengths and limitations of the evidence
Discussion section, in which you discuss your results in relation to context!
Describe the extent and nature of any controversy, your own opinions you draw from the findings of your review {e.g. riot an uninformed opinion)
Discuss the findings in relation to background context (Le., connecting with what is in your introduction) Comment on the relevance to social work practice,. such 25 service or program needs, policy change or other recommendations for current practice (as applicable) and recommendations for future program or policy developments,. or resew
A final solid paragraph in which you make a justified conclusion that summarises overall findings and its contribution to the literature.
- All in one document. Please keep within these headings, no sub. head Ings. Do Mt do an abstract. Don't
forget your table in which you assess the quality of the articles according to Ji31 c r ite.ria (not included ri word COU rits),. which goes after the references list.
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