Interpreting Asia And Pacific Assignment Solution


The purpose of this report is to assess the presence of Tiny Homes and Shipping Container Homes which have become a rising trend in the Australian, and international housing market in the contemporary world. The reason for this being directly proportional to housing affordability, which is getting more difficult by the day, has initiated a trend by which potential home owners are reverting to such homes for the purpose of utility and affordability. In the past 20 years, housing prices have seen a rise, with little relief for those who cannot afford to but need to buy them. 

After all, they need a place to live, and that too within their own means. For this reason Small Housing Australia provides them with an opportunity to realize their goals, in an environment which is becoming more and more adverse in the proper housing domain. Our initiative provides a cheaper, simpler and much more convenient means for the customer to build a home for themselves and for their family. As a small-housing initiatives company, it urges for the local and federal bodies to grant their cooperation and support for the purpose of developing such housing means in the Australian suburbs. 

Tiny Homes

Building tiny homes is a great facilitation for students, those from the lower middle or working classes who acquire good jobs and have no place to live, the ones who wish to have a temporary place to stay while they build their permanent homes. As Small Housing Australia we offer a much needed facility to cater to this growing trend which has been rising both in the UK and the US and has now reached Australia. Essentially, those who aim to be facilitated have three categories: those who cannot afford to in general, those who have a mobile lifestyle and those who temporarily need a home in the hopes that they can save up and acquire a permanent one. 

According to Beth (2019) small houses, also known as tiny homes are already being touted as having immense benefits, especially if perceived with the “TLC” which is the “Tiny Living Community” perspective, offering a safe, cost-saving and space utilizing environment for those who either cannot acquire a proper home, or wishes to save on the rest cost, or enjoys community living in an affordable manner. This ideal is also supported by BBC News (2019) which focuses on the four different kinds of people who enjoy living in small ones: essentially surfers like Tom Dutton who need a mobile home, couples like Tom and Harriet who do not find the permanent house with loans and mortgages attractive,  Clare and Aubrey Fry who were saving up and learning to manage space until they got a proper home, and the youth who aim to acquire independence but do not have the funds to acquire a permanent home are all the viable recipients and enthusiasts of tiny homes. BBC further quotes Carwyn Jones’ course on “building tiny homes” has inspired a huge amount of youth to consider this cheap, temporary, and independent option. 

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