Career Choice:
Getting into the banking sector is my ultimate goal in life. I worked out quite a few strategies to construct the skills possessed by successful bankers. According to Akhtar, et al. (2011), banks play a significant role in polishing the skills of their employees through adequate training and that has inspired me a lot. In order to get pragmatic insights of the banking sector, I keep myself updated with all the developments in the industry. This not only helps enhance my knowledge about banking, but also helps the banking mindset in me develop and expand. I will not deny the fact that my skills significantly improved throughout the semester. The assignments and activities of this unit substantially contributed to the formation and development of my skills.
In addition to that, this unit also taught me the essentials of internal governance in a banking system (Mathieson, 2006). In other words, the activities of this unit gave me a chance to work in teams that enhanced the importance of teamwork in my eyes. The advancement of the required skills within me, alongside the development of the intellect to comprehend some of the dynamics of the banking model has left me with a sense of accomplishment. Each time I felt that my skill had been developing, I felt motivated to put in more effort to put up an even better performance next time. Possessing the right banking skills will pave my way into the banking industry, and I will get the chance to pursue a career in my desired field.
Kirton and Greene (2015), teamwork not only allows the members understand each other’s perspective, but also save time. In all honesty, I had been prepared for the meetings most of the time (i.e. a score of 3). I’d rate myself a 3 in communication and a solid group in helping my group excel. In terms of cooperation, I feel I must get a 2 because I still do not have it in me to take up the role of a leader and guide everyone. I’d rate _______ a 4 on preparation and communication as this person always came prepared for the meetings, and participated actively. In addition to that, __________ also communicated effectively. He/she also motivated others and set standards for them, hence, I’d rate him/her a 3 on helping the group excel. There is no denying that ________ usually exhibited the traits of a team player, thus, a 4 on that too.
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