QSO 321 Module Three Assignment Template

School: Southern New Hampshire University - Course: QSO 321 - Subject: Accounting

QSO 321 Module Three Assignment Template Accounting and Finance Internal Stakeholders
StakeholderRoleResponsibilitiesInfluence CEOProvides vision,direction, and high-level strategicdecisions for anorganizationResponsible toemployees, customers,the board of directors,and other stakeholdersfor decisions madeabout and for theorganizationInfluences strategic initiatives, goals, values, and investments of the overall organization internally; these include those that impact revenue streams, costs, investment into employees, the elimination of waste, and the overall impact of the organization Can approve or create organizational initiatives that provide resources needed to strengthen TBL alignment in the organization ShareholdersHave a financial stakein the company &interested in itsfinancial performance.(Fernando, 2023)Investing incompanies,overseeing theirfinancial performance,& holding themaccountable for theiractions.(Fernando,2023)Responsible to ensurethat the company isfinancially viable &making a profit.(Fernando, 2023)Advocate forsustainable practices,invest responsibly & tohold companiesaccountable for theirsocial & environmentalimpact in regards tothe TBL framework.(Fernando, 2023)Vote for board members who prioritize sustainability & the TBL framework. (Fernando, 2023) Divest from companies that do not prioritize sustainability & the TBL framework, which can impact the company's reputation & financial performance (Fernando, 2023) Use their position to pressure the company to adopt sustainable financial practices that align with the TBL framework.(Fernando, 2023) ManagersFinancial planning,analysis & reportingAssess & manage risksCash management &taxationFinancial decisionmakingResponsible foroverseeing financialoperations & managingbudgets, along withanalyzing financial dataEnsuring that theorganization compliesMeasure, report, & integrate TBL performance into decision making, assess risks & opportunities related to TBL factors, engage
External Stakeholders StakeholderRoleResponsibilitiesInfluence CustomersEnforcing andmaintainingoperationalsustainability(Torrens University,2023)Interested in thecompany's socialresponsibilitypractices, includingethical sourcing,fair labor practices,& communityengagement(Torrens University,2023)Interested in thecompany'sfinancial stability,transparency, &sustainability.(Torrens University,2023)Prioritize specificaspects of the TBLframework basedon their values &expectations fromthe company(Torrens University,2023)Can make decisions about whether to continue doing business with companies that do not prioritize the TBL.(Torrens University, 2023) Enforce requirements by demanding sustainable practices from the organizations they patronize.(Torrens University, 2023) Sharing info & raising awareness about the importance of sustainability (Torrens University, 2023) CreditorsIndividuals orentities that lendmoney to thecompanyInterested in thecompany'sfinancial health &the ability to repaydebts.Can encourage theadoption ofsustainablepractices byprovidingpreferentialinterest rates orfinancing terms tocompanies thatprioritizesustainability.(IMA, 2023)creditors can alsorequire thatcompanies disclosetheir sustainabilityperformance &provide evidenceof their efforts toreduce theirenvironmentalfootprint & socialimpact(IMA, 2023)creditors can hold companies accountable for their sustainability performance & ensure that they meet their obligations towards the environment, society, & future generations.(IMA, 2023) opportunity to promote sustainable practices & encourage the adoption of the TBL in the companies they finance, thereby contributing to a
StakeholderRoleResponsibilitiesInfluence more sustainable & responsible economy.(IMA, 2023) Government AgenciesEnsure thatcompanies complywith accountingpolicies &procedures,financial reporting,& tax regulationsSet standards,provide incentives& supportingresearchEnforcingenvironmentalregulations toensure that thecompany operatessustainably.(InternationalFinanceCorporation,2023)Establish standardsfor TBL reportingthat organizationsmust adhere to.Examples: GlobalReporting Initiative(GRI) or theSustainabilityAccountingStandards Board(SASB).(InternationalFinanceCorporation,2023)Ensure that theaccounting &financial industriesprioritizesustainabilityalongside financialperformance.(InternationalFinance Corporation,2023) Mandating reporting requirements (International Finance Corporation,2023) Providing incentives. For example, tax credits or grants may be offered to organizations that invest in renewable energy or implement sustainable practices. (International Finance Corporation,2023) Government agencies can provide funding for research & development related to TBL practices & reporting. (International Finance Corporation,2023)

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