PUBH6001 Health Policy and Advocacy Australian Health Policy Review

Length: 2,000 words (+/–10%)

Learning Outcomes: The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by the successful
completion of the task below include:

a) Critically analyse different theories and approaches to policy
agenda setting to understand health policy formulation and
advocacy for a specific population health issue;

b) Critically analyse issues in contemporary Australian health
care policy, including the evaluation of global influences on
Australian health policy;

c) Critically analyse and reflect on political and ethical issues in
the formulation of evidence-based policy and its translation
into real-world policy application;

d) Evaluate the role of government and other stakeholders in
the processes for ensuring the accountability for health
policy and advocating for change.

Submission: Due by 11.55 pm AEST/AEDT on the Sunday at the end of Module 9
Weighting: 40%
Total Marks: 100 marks


Assessment Task
In this assessment, you will select an Australian strategic level federal or state health policy to
critically review. You will write a 2,000-word (+/–10%) report that identifies the main concepts
within the policy and relate these concepts back to Kingdon’s (2011) multiple streams theory. Based
on the latest evidence you will then make recommendations for future policy development.
Please refer to the Task Instructions (below) for details on how to complete this task.

As a future public health professional. you will be expected to keep up to date with policy
developments in your area of interest (e.g., child health). It is important that you understand what a
policy is, the main concepts that comprise a strategic level health policy and how policy theory
interacts with the formulation of these important documents.

In this assessment, you will learn how to effectively search for a contemporary state or federal
health policy relating to a specific issue or population group. You will learn how to review policies
from the perspective of the theories and concepts that should inform their formulation. You will also
learn how to formulate evidence-based policy recommendations to improve health policy outcomes.

To complete this task, you must select a public health topic or population group of interest and
conduct a search of Australia federal and/or state websites to find a relevant policy to review. Your
policy selection needs to be approved by your learning facilitator.

Once your policy is approved, you will perform a policy review that includes the following
• An introduction.
• A definition of policy as per the core course readings.
• Details of the search strategy and criteria used to select your area of interest and chosen
health policy to review, including any challenges.
• A description of each of the key policy elements (see list below) and an application of
Kingdon’s multiple streams theory (including the problem, policy and political streams;
policy stakeholders and/or policy entrepreneurs and if applicable, the window of
o Ministerial forward;
o Vision statement;
o Goals;
o Objectives;
o Strategies; and
o Other concepts of interest.

Note: You must provide examples using relevant quotations from the policy.
• Evidence-based recommendations that highlight further areas of consideration or
improvement for future policy development. For example, consider:
o What are the policy silences?
o What is missing?
o Is the ministerial forward and/or vision statement consistent with the strategies
outlined in the policy?

• Conclusions.
This Australian Health Policy Review is to be presented in a report style, you need to reference both
your chosen policy and any additional primary or secondary research used. For more information on
report writing, visit:

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more
information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in PUBH6001: Health Policy
and Advocacy. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal.

Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately
referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need
to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

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