Project Management - Project Plan - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Project Baseline Plan

Your project plan should address the following issues relating to the development of a baseline project plan.

  • Definition of the project
  • Work Breakdown structure
  • Estimation of times and costs for activities and for the project
  • Project network to establish dependencies between activities
  • Gantt Chart
  • Risk Assessment
  • Stakeholder Communication Plan
  • Resource plan

A further 5% will be allocated to the presentation of the report, overall coverage of the project, and how effectively the plan is structured and communicated.  It is important that significant elements of your plan are explained clearly and in sufficient detail to facilitate communication and a shared understanding of the scope, risks, objectives and scale of the project. 

Please Note:

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a project baseline plan that would be used to form the basis for the management of a project.  This is not a theory focused academic exercise, but a practical assignment designed to develop basic skills in project management.

You are strongly encouraged to use Microsoft Project (student copy accessible with the textbook), Project Libre (open-source version of MS Project available free on the web – this is recommended for MAC users as the version of MS Project supplied with the textbook does not work on a MAC) or a similar package, but this is not mandatory.

Presentation. It is important to give attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation in order to avoid ambiguity and confusion. The assignment must be word processed in 12-point type and double-spaced.

Students can include relevant graphs, tables and other exhibits as appendices. They must be clearly labeled and will not be included in the word count. However, your reasons for including these exhibits and explanation of their content must be made clear in the main body of the assignment. Word count must be stated on the cover page.

Equal contribution is essential for a group assignment. If there is unequal contribution between group members, a Contribution Page that specifies the contribution of each group member with clear indication of percentage of contribution needs to be submitted together with the assignment. The percentage of contribution is to be discussed and determined among the group members, which will be used to allocate different marks to different group members.

Plagiarism declaration

By submitting work for assessment I hereby declare that I understand the University’s policy on academic integrity and that the work submitted is original and solely my work, and that I have not been assisted by any other person (collusion) apart from where the submitted work is for a designated collaborative task, in which case the individual contributions are indicated. I also declare that I have not used any sources without proper acknowledgment (plagiarism). Where the submitted work is a computer program or code, I further declare that any copied code is declared in comments identifying the source at the start of the program or in a header file, that comments inline identify the start and end of the copied code, and that any modifications to code sources elsewhere are commented upon as to the nature of the modification.

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