PROJ6000 Project Selection Methods and Initiation Documents - Assignment Help

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Project management is a vast domain that has different aims attached to it. The main aim is to achieve the main goal of the project at a certain given time. This has to be done in accordance with the scope of the project. Not only scope but various aspects have to be seen for the success of a project, most important are the cost and the time. These three parameters do tend to make a product the way the manager wants it to be, but it cannot ensure the success of the product in the market. This is because, over the last decade, people came to realize that it is not the budget or the time that matters, but the value that the project adds to the organization or the users, takes precedence. This is the reason why the companies and organizations must brainstorm in order to pre define the scope of the project in such a way that it can prove to be a success. They cannot risk their resources over a project that cannot repay them in the way they wanted it.

What is a Project?

A project is a process that is used to create a unique service, product, or result. It usually has a definite beginning and end. The end point is when the project objective is reached, or when it is stopped due to not achieving the targets. A project basically is aimed at solving an existing problem in the society or market that needs to be addressed (Laureate Education Producer,2013). These projects can be an innovation, an upgrade to an existing product, or providing some remedy to a problem. The main aim that organizations have nowadays is to solve the problem or the end product and not the way it has been solved. The looks of the project do not carry primary importance for an organization. “if you don’t have a Project Selection process in place – one that is rigorously followed – you will falter.” This is what six sigma Qualtec had to say regarding project selection (Master, 2020).

Importance of Project Selection:

Project selection is really important for any organization or startup. In addition to the project management techniques, selecting the right project can prove to be the turning point (Government of Tasmania n. d.,2018). Unrealistic goals or project scope can lead to an enormous loss of budget and the productivity level. Selecting the right project for the company requires some calculations which can be done by Benefit Measurement Methods or the Constrained Optimization Methods.

Vadis – analytical business intelligence consulting:

Vadis is a company that has two primary services including analytical business intelligence consulting and solution development that allow the businessmen to understand their client’s demands. This helps them to predict the client’s acceptance ratio for any offer. It involves a team that constantly does Research and development, which is also carried out in collaboration with universities. The R&D of Vadis is strictly focused on the business domain, with on-field experience in the market. The research work is done with full focus while reviewing the objectives and budget each month. The R&D results in new technologies, that includes software tools providing services and business models. Another thing that is taken care of in the privacy of research data. 

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