Acct 220 - chapter 18 1. What is the unit cost of an assembled camera in January? 2. What are the EU for DM and Conversion costs and their respective costs per EU? Step 1: Physical Flow of UnitsStep 2: Equivalent Units of Inventory: DMCONVTransferred Beg WIP + started + transferred in =Worked on - End WIP = Units Completed 2b. What is the unit cost of an assembled camera in Feb? Steps 3 & 4TotalsDMCONVTransferred Beg WIP Cost + Current Period Cost = Total Costs to Acct ForStep 3
÷ Total EU (from Step 2 above) 3. Why the difference in the answer b/w 1 and 2? 4. Assume - Calculate the cost of completed units Step 5: Costs Assignment TotalsDMCONVTransferred Total Cost Assigned:
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