PRM30001 Project Management Essentials

Assignment Help on Case Study Project

Assignment Details

This individual assignment requires you to critically evaluate a real world project. Specifically, you are required to accomplish following tasks.

Step 1: Defining success or failure

Go beyond the ‘iron triangle’ and research what constitutes a project success or failure in the project management literature and practice. A list of useful resources that can get you started has been provided under the following References heading (select the heading to expand the list):

Step 2: Choose your case study

Select one of the following three options as a case study project and examine the selected project for the criteria identified for project success/failure in Step 1.

  1. Select a real world project that has sufficient information available in the public domain. OR
  2. You can also collect primary information to examine a project run by an organisation or a project manager to which you have access. OR
  3. Select the case study project provided as a reference project for this assignment. The reference project is a published case study on  a real world project that documents the Strategic IT Transformation at Accenture(Links to an external site.) (Jeffery 2010) few years ago. 

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Step 3: Conduct examination and report findings

Conduct an examination of the chosen project case study and report your findings in the following format:

  • Background of the project that you have selected.
  • Discussion of standard criteria, such as the Iron Triangle or those emerging from the sources mentioned in the references or beyond.
  • Critical identification and justification of the criteria you think is appropriate, based on what you learned in Step 2.
  • Critical analysis of the case project based on the criteria chosen. For example, why the project was able or unable to meet the success criteria? How does the project success criteria support organisational strategy?
  • Presentation of appropriate conclusions on what factors led to the success/failure of the project.
  • Provision of suggestions or recommendations in the event that the project should be re-run in the future.

As suggested, this assignment requires you to first identify a case: either a successful project or a failed project. Then, based on the criteria you identified, you must then explain why the project either succeeded or failed. There are many references on the theme of project success or failure; hence, you will need to do some research to set-up your criteria.

You need to present your analyses in the shape of a formal business report. The report should be written in clear, plain language, so that non-expert users can easily understand it. The report must be properly constructed and should contain all the necessary parts that a report is required to have. You must include all relevant documents and support materials (if required) in an appendix.

All sources that are quoted in your report should be correctly referenced and included in the reference list. You must use a minimum of five academic references to support your assignment. Cite the necessary sources (references) to support your argument using Swinburne Harvard style.

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