ACCT 3313 SUMMER 2021 POSITION PAPER GUIDELINES & ISSUES 01. Each student will prepare 3 position papers taking and supporting a position posed through a question regarding an issue of contemporary interest in information systems. 02. There is no one right answer to these issues. There are logical arguments to be made for a number of positions. The emphasis is on taking a position on the issue and supporting your position. You must take a position on the question posed and support it.Each question must be answered in the first paragraph of the position paper(failure to do so will result in points being deducted) with support for your answer in the remainder of the paper. 03. Your positions must be researched and logically presented with authoritative support provided. Wikipedia and comparable sources are not authoritative support. The text cannot be used as authoritative support.Be careful about using blogs as authoritative support. Anyone can post to a blog regardless of whether they know anything about the topic. You should ask yourself before you use a source whether the author has the qualifications to be knowledgeable on the subject and why he/she should be considered authoritative 04. Each position paper will be from 5(at least 5 complete pages of narrative)to 6 typed, double- spaced pages (12 point font, 1 inch margins all around the page), not counting the title page, abstract, reference page, source justification page and exhibits/diagrams. Indent the beginning of paragraphs (do not "double double space" between paragraphs). Excessive blank space will be penalized. 05. A title page showing the course number and name, semester, position paper number and topic, and your name will be shown on the first page. The next 5 (at least 5 complete pages of narrative, not counting the items in 04. above) to 6 pages will state and support your position. 06. A reference page will be provided which is single-spaced, with double spacing between references using the APA format. A minimum of 5 relatively recent (none published before 2005) references for each paper must be provided. See 07. A final page will be provided with a short paragraphjustifying each source as to why that source should be considered authoritative.Merely stating that the source is authoritative in your opinion is not sufficient.You must provide evidence that the source should be considered authoritative - this is indicated by such items as education in the field, experience and other publications on this subject, etc.Points will be deducted for failure to provide justification of sources or failure to use sources that can be identified as experts on the subject. As an alternative, this justification can be provided immediately following each reference on the reference page.
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