For the final critical essay – literature review assignment, you will be required to critically draw on your Assessment task 3a proposal and the feedback received from your tutor to review a further four articles.
You are to locate five research articles (this includes your original article) on your topic and write a 2500 word review and critical anlaysis of the general theme(s) presented in these articles as they pertain to your topic. Include in your Introduction the reasons that you have chosen this topic and a brief description of how you conducted your literature search. In the Findings or Results section, summarise the research methods used – were they qualitative or quantitative or opinion pieces? Then summarise the major findings of the articles. In the Discussion section, please analyse and discuss the main findings in relation to the material covered in Ageing in Society and identify any shortcomings in the literature. These might be methodological, topic choice, theoretical frameworks used or lack of them. Finally, in the conclusion, draw some conclusions about the literature overall and state your suggestions for further research on the topic. Please include a table in the essay as per example below.
The following components are required:
- A brief introduction to the topic (including definitions, why it is an important topic and why it is of interest to the student)
- A description of how you located the articles – search strategy, data bases searched (200 words)
- A description of how/why you selected the articles you decided to include – inclusion/exclusion criteria
- Reviews – as for 3a – as you have described the articles in a table, please refer to it here
- Discussion of review findings in light of one or more of the perspectives covered in Ageing in Society
- Conclusions about the literature as a whole, such as: there may be a predominance of one type of research approach or method, theoretical frameworks may be explicit or implicit, certain important aspects of the topic covered in this subject are not found in the literature
- Table summarising the literature – see example below of a table summarising one article. You may choose different headings depending on the type of literature you are reviewing. Your table should include allof the articles you have included in your review (this does not count towards the word limit)
- A reference list of all the articles cited should also be included (this also does not count toward your word limit).
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