POL3IPP Weekly Topic Analytical Posts - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Analytical Posts

Assessment 1: Weekly Topic Analytical Posts


The objectives of this activity are for you to “think about how you think” about the weekly topics (metacognition), to think more deeply about the content of the topics themselves through paying attention to how that content is delivered, and to acculturate you into the practice of delivering critical feedback that is analytical, constructive and supportive. Through this process, you should become more effective as political practitioners and communicators.

The task will also be workshopped during week 1.

Task Details:

Once weekly resources are released and presentations occur you will be asked to submit feedback reflecting on one of them (this could be the presentation itself or one of the readings).


You will reflect on both the topic and delivery of the seminar presentations, based on these two guiding questions:

1.      Topic: Do you agree with the contention/argument put forward?  Why/why not? [100-200 words]

2.      Delivery: How effective was the presentation as a means of communicating their topic?  How could the delivery of this specific topic be improved? [100-200 words]

Feedback Exercise checklist:

Each Feedback Post should contain the following elements:

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