Privilege and oppression are the flip sides of the same coin. We are unequal, we are different in one way or the other, we are diverse, too diverse. What does diversity imply? A difference, yeah? Does diversity gauge the extent to which we are different? Maybe. And by the way, how are we different, how are we diverse? Is the vast definition of diversity narrowed down to differences in biological characteristics and capabilities? Or does the definition also include differences in psychological capacities? As far as I know and have been taught to believe, diversity reflects the differences amongst individuals. These differences are reflected in their ages, genders, wn the sidewalsexualities, cultures, ethnicities, racial profiles, spirituality, religions, families, wealth, and what not. The definition of diversity has also been expanded to include one’s body size. Life could have been different and beautiful had diversity been appreciated, loved and celebrated. The official statistics suggest that over 40% of Australia’s total population comprises of immigrants and their immediate family members. Australia is, indeed, diverse. I remembered a friend today, who is no longer with me but is still really close to my heart. I met this person during my freshman year at college. There is something related to him that is still fresh in my memory. Not so long ago, I saw him hurrying dok to get to his class. Sometime later, he was followed by a cop who asked him to stop several times but he continued to rush and didn’t stop. I, alongside 200 students, witnessed the scene. He just would not stop despite the cop calling after him. He stubbornly continued walking down the sidewalk pretending that he was not being harassed by the cop. It may come as a surprise to you that this person was called after by the campus police everyday he left his dorm, and made his way to the class. Why? Does it not sound a little weird? I am sure it triggers a lot of scenarios and possibilities. Guess what? This story is different. It is not what you think it is. The cop never followed him because of his racial or ethnic profile; he was white. He was not pursued by the police officer for belonging to a disadvantaged group or race. He was not targeted by the cop like many other immigrants in Australia for the purpose of law enforcement. He was blind, and different. Following up on the same premise, he was stopped numerous times by the policer officer for he was assuming what everybody else assumed; that he needed help. I could see nothing wrong with the police officer getting on his tail to offer help. It is generally good to extend help to others. It is not only humane, but also very relieving. This person turned down on help everyday and his frustration intrigued me. I went up to talk to him when I saw him grow extremely frustrated out of the cop’s endless attempts to help him. He unleashed his wrath upon the officer. He lashed out. This person was in my class; we shared a course. Fast-forward to the class time when I sat beside him. I encouraged a conversation and he seemed lively. I brought up his encounter with the police early morning that day to which he couldn’t help but open up at last. He told me how he wished people could look past his blindness. He told me how he wished people appreciated him for his competence instead of pitying him for his blindness. He told me how low he felt every time someone called after him to offer help to drop him somewhere or do something that he was capable of doing on his own. He just couldn’t help snap back. This was not his last encounter with the police, however. The next day, I witnessed something similar. The officer was after him to allow him to drop him to his class, three blocks away. He again snapped back. That was the moment he taught me something I could have never thought of on my own. He was frustrated because of his experiences as a blind man offered help for petty things all the time.
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