Welcome to Payroll Accounting - Acct 106 This document is designed to provide an overview of the payroll course.Below are key items about how the class will run as well as some FAQ that should help resolve most questions throughout the semester.To ensure this overview is read in detail, a five question assignment will be included in Module 1. KEY POINTS TO THE CLASS 1.Syllabus - The syllabus and homework assignments for each week are located within the "Syllabus" icon in Ivy Learn.At the bottom of the syllabus, IvyLearn summaries assignments in due date order.Everything to be completed is also found inside each week's module and indented. 2.Book - A textbook is not needed to complete this course.Using the combination of lecture notes, practice examples, weekly lecture videos, and other attachments or instructions this course is designed to be completed without a text. 3.Due Dates/submission - Typically, homework is due eachSunday / 11:59pm ESTthe following week the assignment is given.Two exceptions occur in Module 1 and will be due two days earlier onFriday / 11:59pm.These two assignments are due early to make sure you have time to ask questions about the course setup or the important class material discussed in the lecture videos before the primary homework assignments are due.All assignments are to be turned in via IvyLearn by accessing that week's module. **Late work is not accepted**Please refer to the syllabus for more info. 4.DISCUSSION BOARDS - Original discussion board posts will be due Friday / 11:59pmof the current week.Replies will be due by the normal weekly Sunday / 11:59pmdeadline except for week 8 which are due one day earlier for both the original post and the reply posts. The discussion board is a great way to voice opinions over various topics we cover in class and gauge how others feel about certain payroll/tax topics.You will need to post one original response and two replies to other posts. I will respond to some of the comments, especially those with questions so check back frequently and feel free to add more input.Multiple replies to other student's comment on your own post will also count as replies. Not every module will contain a discussion board.
5.Various Issues - IvyLearn, your computer, online connections, family emergencies, etc.... a.Make your due date for the assignmentsat least 2 days beforethe actual due date (thusFridayof each week).If everything is ready to be submitted by Friday and something happens, you will have plenty of time to get a hold of me and explain the situation.If you can only work on the weekend, then the weekend prior should be your deadline.That means working ahead the first week to maintain a schedule of working ahead for the rest of the weeks. b.If I'm notified by email beforeFriday / 11:59pmfor that week's due date, I will be willing to work with you on issues that may have arisen since you took the initiative to stay ahead and not wait until the last minute to submit your work.I check my email regularly.I'm more than willing to work with any student who has been proactive and simply has come across an unexpected issue. c.I can be reached viaIvyLearn conversations via email atttarana@ivytech.edu. d.If you are given an extension to a deadline, that extension is only for that week's material.The following week's material will still be due at the normally scheduled date. 6.Lectures - With internet courses, students generally do not have the option of actually "seeing or hearing" a professor like in a real classroom.However, our course developer, Kevin Veneskey, CPA will provide multiple condensed lectures that will be accessible via You Tube.Each module will have lecture links to that week's material and practice exercises. The only lecture segments that will berequiredare in Module 1 and 2 and labeled as required in the description.A short assignment, which can be accessed and answered during the Module 1 video will be the verification the first video was watched. 7.Weekly Assignments -Most weeks will have a quiz assignment as well as either a discussion board or payroll exercises.The weekly quizzes and bi-weekly problems allow two attempts.The highest grade of the attempts will be recorded. 8.Final Project - This project is not intended to be done in one sitting.It is in- depth and detailed.You are encouraged to begin working on the project halfway through the semester and is posted in Module 4.By this point in the class, you will be able to complete at least 75% of the project.The project will be split into two sections to make sure everyone can get a good start.
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