Part 1. Before posting to Course Den, complete the QBE Earnings Calculation/Teacher Allotment exerci

Part 1. Before posting to Course Den, complete the QBE Earnings Calculation/Teacher Allotment exercise using the worksheet provided it includes PowerPoints and other resources you may find helpful. Please note that the exercise is designed to help you understand the QBE process; specifically, how FTE funding weights affect state teacher allotments. If you take a look at the FY17 QBE State Allotment Sheet in this module, you will get a sense of funding areas awarded to schools and districts in addition to actual QBE earning (Categorical grants, etc.) and other earnings that are taken away (Austerity reductions, etc.) We will take a closer look at these as you grow more familiar with QBE. If you don’t move from Module 3 with at least a heightened awareness of why FTE counts are so important to your school and district…you weren’t paying attention! As you read through the materials watch for policy trends with regard to “wave of the future” policy changes under consideration. Part 2. Post the following to the Discussion Board: 1. What was the combined total amount of funding earned by the program areas included for K-12 Scenario School? 2. How many teachers did the school earn based on the QBE totals? Explain how the number of teachers “earned” may or may not be adequate for staffing the school. 3. Assume you are the assistant principal of K-12 Scenario School and you are meeting with the principal to discuss staffing allotments. Describe two or three areas you believe should be top priorities in this meeting.


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