Online Data Analysis Project - Essay Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Data Analysis Project

Word count: 2000 words (+/- 10%) (excluding in-text citations, references and caption for the graphs) Format: Essay

Late Deduction: 5% per day will be applied in fairness to all students. No assignment submitted more than 5 days late can be assessed, as per Deakin policy. To apply for extension, go to the unit site (Click TOOLS and ASSESSMENT EXTENSION REQUEST).

Task: Online data analysis project

Broad Research Essay Topics STAGE 1

Choose ONE of the following topics and produce a 2,000 word essay.

  1. In comparing the case(s) from developed and developing nations, in what ways do modern communication technologies and online platforms engender and undermine an individual’s abilities to mobilise and champion a democratic public sphere? (Hint: Think of the possibilities and challenges of online activism such as #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, #ClimateChange, and so forth).
  2. In comparing the technological landscape of developed and developing nations, identify and critically reflect on the consequences of digital divide on the personal, familial and social lives of Based on your research and analysis, in what ways can the digital divide be addressed? (Hint: digital divide is about lack of digital access, low levels of digital skills, lacking abilities to use technology to improve one’s lives, dis/misinformation generating exclusion and fear, and so forth)
  3. Read the article, “Are we streaming into political participation through a personalized, on-demand TV diet” (LINK). Then, by comparing the media landscape of developed and developing nations, discuss the possibilities and limitations of online streaming for political (Hint: you can reflect on the online streaming consumption patterns of individuals based on everyday cultures and technological access, consider the impacts of algorithms and filter bubbles, and so forth).

Take note that you need to undertake secondary research using scholarly materials to investigate and critically engage with your chosen topic broadly outlined above.


You will use quantitative data that will need to be integrated into your essay and substantiated through this primary research material as a way to verify some of the secondary research you have advanced and supported.

Using the visualised data on Tableau is a requirement for this assessment.

The assessment will introduce you to using a professional Data Visualisation Tool called Tableau. Tableau Software produces a family of interactive data visualisation products focused on business intelligence and research analytics.

Such visual data processing tools are vital in today’s media driven world. I am going to take this task at a very basic level.

Step 1: Download Tableau

Before you can begin using Tableau, you will need to download the current version of the software. You will have to register first but you don’t need to supply a credit card number, so don’t worry about being sent a bill.

NOTE: The trial version of Tableau that you download will work for 14 days only, so you will want to make sure that you have some free time in your schedule to try out the application during the trial period. You definitely don’t want to begin your trial just before you have to get your assignment in!

Copy and paste this into a browser to start your download.

Step 2: To assist everyone in navigating Tableau, a user guide is provided in the unit site. Feel free to watch instructional videos too.

What is Tableau?

Tableau basic for beginners:

Step 3: Access and visualise data via Tableau. The collected and visualised data from Tableau will provide you an overview of the digital landscape of different countries. Use the data as you work on addressing your chosen topic. For instance, if you chose a topic on digital divide, you might want to compare the disparity on digital access between develop and developed countries.

Step 4: Finally, in order to enter your tables/graphs into your word document, save a visualisation and then insert that saved visualisation into a Word file. Watch:

With these visualizations drawn from Tableau, you will work to substantiate and explain how online culture works related to your broad topic above. Your charts will serve as the guiding material for your discussion of your findings.

As we’re using a 14-day free trial, we’re limited with accessing an updated data. On top of using the World Indicators data, you MUST access and use the available data (country ICT data) in the International Telecommunications Union [LINK]. You need to download the excel files from ITU. Use the excel files containing comprehensive and updated data to substantiate your discussion.

Recommended ITU data:

  • Mobile cellular subscriptions
  • Mobile broadband subscriptions
  • Percentage of individuals using the

Check the user guide provided to use and visualise the ITU data via Tableau. Essay Structure

Based on collecting and analysing graphs and data to address your chosen topic, write an essay based on the following:

  1. Title (The title can be in a question form or a statement)
  2. Introduction: (brief overview of your essay – the topic to cover; some key arguments, and; what will you be discussing);
  3. Discussion Paragraph 1 – discuss the meaning/significance of the graph and support the discussion with a set of relevant literature
  4. Discussion Paragraph 2 – discuss the meaning/significance of the graph and support the discussion with a set of relevant literature
  5. Discussion Paragraph 3 – discuss the meaning/significance of the graph and support the discussion with a set of relevant literature

You can add paragraph 4, paragraph 5, and so forth. This depends on how you’re addressing your chosen topic. Take note that the graphs and your discussion should relate to your chosen question.

  1. Conclusion: (summarise the main points made in your paper, and restate your argument; highlight the value of this kind of research for investigating and visualizing the data of online culture)
  2. References: data/assets/pdf_file/0012/2230401/Deakin-guide-to-Australian- pdf.

Minimum of seven scholarly references. Minimum of three graphs for the entire essay. Excluded from the word count: in-text citations, references, and title of graphs.

Some additional tips.

  1. Be Use data based on per country/state or region across the world.
  2. A critical comparative approach can facilitate a rich and critical
  3. Feel free to use existing case studies to support your discussion

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