Assignment 1 summary
The assignment should present as Part A: Introduction, body of discussion, conclusion, and references. 1800 words excluding references and in-text citations.
As stated in the Learning Guide, you are required to write 1800 words about identifying the challenges and describing strategies for implementing evidence-based practice in a clinical setting (the focus of discussion).
In general, this is a discussion about evidence-based practice, its challenges and barriers for implementation, and strategies for overcoming these barriers in relation to a chosen clinical setting (your expertise). Please be reminded that the discussion should be around a clinical setting not a specific clinical skill, e.g. medication error or wound dressing. For instance, you could relate the discussion to mental health setting, emergency department or surgical unit.
You may consider to discuss 3 to 4 barriers/challenges followed by strategies.
- No headings should be used
- Introduction and conclusion — 100 to 150 words
- About 3 to 4 barriers and challenges —1500 words
- 10% + or — of 1800 = range is 1620 to
Stop marking at 2000 words - In-text citations should be used wherever appropriate including introduction
- Reference list is for part A only
- You can use some of the essential readings as reference, but you should use your own literature search to support the discussion.
- Part B — 200 words
- Submit one document including part A and B
- Go through Learning Modules 1 & 2, my advice on vUWS and marking criteria thoroughly
Advice Part A
The assignment should present as Part A: Introduction, body of discussion, conclusion, and references. 1800 words excluding references and in-text citations.
Learning module 1 is the key for part 1— simply speaking, the focus is barriers and challenges for implementing EBP in a chosen clinical setting and strategies for overcoming.
- Be careful it's not about general issue in clinical setting, like under staffing, lack of support for staff or miscommunication. But is barriers and challenges for implementing EBP in a chosen clinical setting and strategies for overcoming
- It's not about a clinical skillg. medication error, dressing or fall prevention but a clinical setting e.g. surgical, medical, mental health, rehabilitation, ICU or ED
- You can discuss all barriers and challenges first then followed by discussion of strategies or discuss one specific barriers followed by strategies, then another one and etc
- References, minimum 10 and not older than 10 However, for those theory based reference, it can be older than 5 years. E.g. Theory of action was invented by Professor Smith (1921)
- 1800 word limit +/- 10 % = 1620 -1980 which is safety net. Anything over 1980 will not be marked.
As suggested, part 1 should be outlined as Introduction, body of discussion, conclusion and full list of references.
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