NURS2041 Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Mental Health Educational Poster

Assessment details

  • Topic: Consumer and carer partnership in recovery, care and treatment
  • Weight: 40%
  • Individual task
  • Due: Week 7 – 5th September 2022 @1159hrs
  • Format: Poster
  • Length: 400 words
  • Submission: via Turnitin with a separate Reference List

Subject Learning Outcomes

The Subject Learning Outcomes (SLOs) for this assessment cover learning outcomes 5 & 6:

  1. Plan evidence-based initiatives that promote mental health, prevent and intervene early in the illness, facilitate recovery, and promote wellbeing
  2. Explain how to facilitate the recovery of mental health consumers by focussing on their strengths and wellbeing

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Assessment Aims and Instructions

You will develop a mental health educational poster which:

  • Focuses on consumer and carer partnership in recovery, care and treatment;
  • Provides educational information to consumers/woman, their carers and significant others;
  • Is easy to understand by non-health professionals, and is clear and concise;
  • Promotes mental health and recovery;
  • Provides information that could help with early intervention to prevent early ill-health or mental illness for the consumer/woman;
  • Uses non-jargonistic language and visual information (graphs, tables, diagrams and images), and
  • Uses evidence-based information (minimum of five relevant, current, peer-reviewed

academic resources – remember this is an information poster based on research).

NOTE: The poster should capture the target audience by being engaging and easily understood.

Choosing your topic

Use the case scenario in the Assessment 2 tab of the NURS2041 vUWS site;

  • Nursing students will use Mike’s story and choose one of these topics:

- What is anxiety

- Antidepressants – information for carers/family

- Mental health recovery

- Preventing stigma in mental health

- Important/role of carer/family/significant other in mental health recovery

  • Midwifery students will use Christina’s story and choose one of these topics:
  • What is anxiety?
  • What is depression?
  • Mental health recovery
  • What is Edinburgh Perinatal Depression Scale?
  • Sleep patterns during When does it become a problem?

1.      What to include in your poster

At a minimum, students should include:

  1. Student name and ID
  2. A title that clearly indicates your topic
  3. Significance of topic (e.g. you can start by explaining why your topic is important)
  4. Statement about the incidences of the mental health issues in Australia
  5. Explanation of how your topic can facilitate recovery and promote wellbeing
  6. Future directions (consider what needs to be done to sustainably support recovery and wellbeing of mental health consumers/woman)
  7. In-text citations must be included (for text and visual materials) , and a full Reference List must be submitted on a separate page

NOTE: The poster must be on A4, and should be eye-catching, attractive and engaging. Avoid over-crowding. You may use PowerPoint, Word, Photoshop, Canva or others.

Purpose of a poster

A poster tells a story/conveys a powerful message. Its purpose is to grab attention, inform, convince and provoke thought. Your poster must be designed and written to suit its intended audience.

An effective poster should contain:

  • A title & relevant subtitles
  • Text
  • Visual material (graphs, tables, diagrams, appropriate images)

Title and subtitles

The title and subtitles of your poster should:

  • Succinctly capture your topic area
  • Spark interest
  • Be targeted towards your audience (i.e. patients and their carers)
  • Focus on partnership
  • Be recovery-oriented

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