Think of the portfolio as having two functions.
The Portfolio provides documentary evidence of your capabilities as a Mental Health Nurse, (MHN) as defined by the Australian College of Mental Health Nurses, and can be used as a life-long tool to develop and store evidence of formal and informal learning, professional development, career achievements and reflective practice.
Secondly, components of your portfolio are required for assessment tasks for each unit within this course.You must pass the portfolio assessment to pass each unit.
Please note this is a graded portfolio and the weighting for this assessment is 40%.
This Portfolio relates to the following Learning Outcomes:
- Identify myths associated with drug use and challenge their veracity
- Evaluation strategies to minimise harm to individuals and the community
ALL learning outcomes for writer’s reference if needed……
- Compare the effects of different drugs and drug groups
- Analyse the impact of drug use and misuse on the individual and the community
- Formulate an argument on why people use drugs
- Identify myths associated with drug use and challenge their veracity
- Evaluate strategies to minimise harm to individuals and the community
- Evaluate the success and utility of assessment and treatment options.
Step 1: Devise a plan, example below
Portfolio Plan | Rationale (Identify relevant learning outcomes and graduate abilities |
I will explore five common myths about drug use and find evidence based articles to refute myths. | This will demonstrate LO 1, 4 |
I will read on different cultures and their use of drugs and write a report on differences between attitudes in Australia compared to other countries. | This will demonstrate LO 2 & 3 |
Step 2: Action your plan
As you work through your plan remember to collect your evidence.
Step 3: Add evidence to your online Portfolio
- For your ‘Career Portfolio’ - go to the Portfolium website: . Here you can enter your CV, you CPD items, publications etc..
- You will find tutorials on this site on how to use your portfolio. You can also use google search to find other tutorials and ideas on what you could include in your Portfolio. You may also find it useful to talk to other students about what they are including. To do this simply ask on the TEAMS academic help channel.
- To access where to enter your activities/work/documents for this assessment, go to the section Before you begin start here. Tab or scroll down to ‘access your portfolio’.
Submitting your Portfolio
A Portfolio assessment needs to be submitted the same way each time, no matter the unit. I thought I might try to alleviate some of the confusion with a gentle reminder that you need to complete two steps to submit a portfolio and your portfolio needs to be submitted in TWO places
It’s incredibly important you submit onto the Be Different Platform. You submit it just like you would a normal assignment.
You ALSO need to submit your portfolio on to the Portfolium platform.
***NB> If you submit your portfolio only to the Portfolium platform without submitting to the Be Different platform as well, we have no way of knowing that you have submitted your portfolio, markers won’t be alerted to the fact that your portfolio needs marking and it won’t get marked.
Literature and references- if required
- Use literature of no more than 10 years old (from peer-reviewed sources) to demonstrate broad consideration of your alternate nursing interventions.
- You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant.
- Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites.
- When sourcing information, consider the five elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from reputable websites such as from government, university, or peak national bodies: for example, the Australian College of Nursing.
- Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.54cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word).
- Include page numbers on each page in a footer.
- Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online APA Referencing Style Guide.
Helpful Resources
- The quality and credibility of your sources are important.
- It is recommended that you access your discipline specific library guide: the Nursing Resource Guide; Midwifery Resource Guide;
- You may use EndNote to manage your citations and reference list. More information on how to use EndNote is available at the CQUniversity Library website.
- Submit a draft before the due date to review your Turnitin Similarity Score before making a final submission. Instructions are available here. Remember, for a final submission, you must press the submit button twice, otherwise your portfolio will remain in draft form and not be marked.
- If you receive a Fail for this Portfolio, you will be allowed to re-attempt it.
- You do not have to start over you can edit and adjust your original submission based on the feedback you have received. Once you are ready to resubmit your reattempt, please let the Course Manager, Michelle Stark, know via email ( [email protected]) or through our TEAMS channel, so she can convert your original submission back to draft, otherwise the system will not allow you to re-submit.
If you do decide not to re-attempt, your original Fail mark will be applied. please remember you must pass your portfolio to pass each unit.
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