Assessment 2: Task Description
Assessment 2:
Type: Case Study Analysis
Weighting: 50%
Length: 2,500 words (+/- 10%)
Comprehensive mental health assessments provide a means by which mental health nurses can gauge the health and wellbeing of a person, including determining what it is the person is experiencing and how these experiences are affecting them. Conducting a mental health assessment also allows mental health nurses to engage with the person, build on the therapeutic relationship, and collaboratively develop suitable interventions (Hungerford et al., 2021). Health assessments must be continuous, occurring each time the mental health nurse observes or interacts with a person.
The aim of Assessment 2 is to enable you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the comprehensive mental health assessment and formulation and the role of mental health nurses in conducting assessments.
Assessment 2 supports you to analyse the experience of a consumer with diverse physical, biological, mental, social, cultural, legal and functional needs. You must develop a written paper reporting the findings of your case study analysis. You use the case study to justify the need for a safe, holistic, and recovery-oriented approach to the assessment; formulate a collaborative, culturally-appropriate, evidence-based, consumer-centred recovery plan, including appropriate interventions; and appraise the role of the mental health nurse in assessment and intervention. You will find the case study in Appendix 1.
Your task is to undertake and report on your case study analysis. You must include the following sections in your paper:
- 1Case Study in Brief
- Commence the case study analysis by briefly summarising the 'Juho' case scenario provided in Appendix 1. Place the summary in a text box. (The case summary is not included in the final word count).
- 2Introduction
- Introduce your paper, outlining the aims of your case study analysis and an outline of the content. [Remember, it is sometimes easier to write the introduction to your paper after you have completed it]. (200words)
- 3Case Study Analysis
- From your analysis of the case study, identify and provide evidence to support your findings of the following needs or preferences of the consumer:
- physical
- mental
- social (including but not limited to his family)
- cultural
- legal
- (300words)
- Discuss the potential impact of each of these needs or preferences for the consumer. (300words)
- From your analysis of the case study, identify and provide evidence of the key risk factors, including:
- Self-harm and/or suicide
- Harm to others
- Substance use
- Neglect, vulnerability (200words).
- Discuss the potential impact of each of the risk factors on the consumer. (300words)
- From your analysis of the case study, identify and provide evidence to support your findings of the following needs or preferences of the consumer:
- 4Assessment
- Explain and justify the need for safe, holistic, and recovery-oriented approaches to assessing consumers with complex needs. (300 words)
- Explain and justify at least three (3) common assessment tools you could use to guide your assessment of the consumer featured in the case study. (300 words)
- 5Recovery-oriented Formulation
- Explain the steps you would take to formulate a collaborative, culturally-appropriate, evidence-based, consumer-centred recovery plan that includes possible interventions to support the consumer. (300 words)
- Informed by findings of your case study analysis and academic sources, provide your recovery-orientated plan for the consumer in the case study. (300 words)
- 6Reference List(Word count not included)
Note Carefully
If you do not pass this assessment item, you may have an opportunity to re-attempt. For teaching staff to allow a re-attempt, they must be satisfied that you have made a reasonable attempt in the assessment item. If a re-attempt is offered, you will have only 7 consecutive days to resubmit your assessment item and you can only receive a maximum of 50% of the available marks if your attempt meets the marking criteria. If your reattempt does not meet the marking criteria, you will retain your original mark. Only one reattempt will be allowed.
Literature and references
In this assessment, use at least 10 contemporary references. You may also use seminal scholarly literature where relevant. Suitable references include peer-reviewed journal articles as well as textbooks and credible websites. When sourcing information, consider the 5 elements of a quality reference: currency, authority, relevance, objectivity, and coverage. Grey literature sourced from the internet must be from the websites of reputable organisations such as governments, universities, or peak national bodies: e.g., the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian Institute of Family Studies, Australian College of Mental Health Nursing, national and state-level Departments of Health.
- Use a conventional and legible size 12 font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing and 2.54 cm page margins (standard pre-set margin in Microsoft Word).
- Include page numbers on each page in a footer.
- You may write in the first-person for the recovery-orientated formulation section and must write in t the third-person perspective for all other aspects of the case study analysis.
- Use formal academic language.
- Use the seventh edition American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style. The CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre has an online APA Referencing Style Guide.
- The word count excludes the reference list but includes in-text references and direct quotations.
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