Learning Outcomes Assessed:
K1. Analyse the impact of different cultural perspectives and suggest how an individual’s understanding can influence engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families, and communities
K2. Investigate factors that influence cultural vulnerability and resilience and their relationship to health choices
K4. Investigate the meaning of ‘cultural safety’ and the impact that feeling safe might have on
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experiencing improved health outcomes
S1. Analyse and critically explain historical, political, cultural and social influences that have led to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples experiencing poor health outcomes
S4. Analyse strategies, practices and programs (including positive contributions by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people/s) in health care delivery and health promotion
designed to work in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to meet current health needs
Application of knowledge and skills:
A2. Recognise the extent to which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to experience poor health and demonstrate effective ways of working towards improving this situation A3. Discuss and demonstrate how cultural safety would be applied in a clinical setting
A4. Apply knowledge of different cultural understandings to how those in health care work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals, families, and communities
Due Date: Week 11 – Monday 2nd October 2023 @ 17:00
Assessment Task 2:
The objective of this task is to provide an educational video for nurses and healthcare providers. The video aims to provide an outline of strategies used and knowledge of considerations required by nurses and healthcare providers in delivering culturally safe healthcare in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The purpose of this task is to explore various health issues, vulnerabilities, and inequities for populations with differing cultural needs in response to specific topic questions. To successfully complete this assessment task, students should demonstrate
- a) an understanding of how cultural awareness impacts the delivery of care in clinical practice by outlining current best practice approaches; and b) an ability to apply these strategies to a specific case
Value of the task:
The weighting of the task is 60% of your overall grade for the semester.
Assessment File Type:
Video File/s submission only, using the Kaltura application with visual PowerPoint Presentation (NB: not a narrated PowerPoint).
The Kaltura video must include a video of each student presenting, where every group member is recorded presenting their section of the assessment. Please note that, students can
submit a series of videos (one per student) if the group is working remotely, and students are unable
to meet in person to create the presentation. It is expected that groups provide a consistent and a logical flow across the videos submitted.
Time Limit:
16 minutes in total for entire group +/‐ 10% (i.e., 15 mins minimum and 17 mins maximum).
Group Formation:
Students are to develop effective strategies when working in groups and in partnership together to achieve a common goal, using respectful and collegial communication and collaboration techniques, where all students feel successful and have provided input in to achieving the agreed output for submission. Students have been allocated into groups of four students and have been given a designated case scenario via Moodle. If group size is less than four students, it is still required that ALL sections of the assessment is completed. The following resources may be useful:
https://studyskills.federation.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/group- work_presentations_2020-1.pdf
https://studyskills.federation.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/group-work_strategies_2020- 1.pdf
Please note: We will NOT entertain requests to move groups or change topics. It is an expectation
that students remain professional and work collegially. In a clinical environment, you are expected to show up to your shift and work with people regardless of whether you know them, like them, or have not met them before.
NB: If any students swap from their designated groups the entire group will be heavily penalised.
You are required to cite a minimum of ten (10) academic sources in the presentation (e.g., textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles).
Students may use appropriate websites (e.g., Edith Cowan University’s HealthinfoNet database, Indigenous Peak Bodies and Indigenous Organisation’s Websites [NACCHO, VACCHO, VACCA, CATSINaM, SNAICC, Croakey Health Media, etc], Australian Government websites).
References are to be formatted in the American Psychological Association [APA] style 7th Edition. This applies to any images used on slides. Use size 8 font for image citation on slides. Further information regarding referencing images can also be found on FedCite (Library website). https://federation.edu.au/library/study/fedcite
The Learning Skills Advisors also have relevant resources on referencing too: https://studyskills.federation.edu.au/student-skills/helpsheets/#REFERENCING
Students are encouraged to resource articles and other literature and sources that are authored by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and present these research findings, views, and perspectives from their lived experiences, where possible. It is desired that students also access information and resources from various Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peak bodies and Indigenous organisations in informing their assessment.
Assessment Task 2 Details and Steps:
Each group will be allocated a different case scenario. As a group, students are required to research their designated case scenarios in relation to a health topic that may impact the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Students are required to submit a Kaltura Capture Video presentation that addresses the four questions related to the case scenario provided. Please sign the Group contract document by 31st July 2023 @ 1700.
Case scenario 1:
John is a Badu Nations teenager who moved to a regional area of Ballarat. John is playing his usual Saturday football match. Midway through the game, he collapses and is rushed to hospital via ambulance. After a comprehensive investigation it is established that he has a new diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus.
Case scenario 2:
Sarah is a 26-year-old Gunaikurnai woman who is living in the metropolitan area of Dandenong. She is twelve weeks pregnant with her first child and has been hospitalised for dehydration. She has not yet accessed healthcare services for her pregnancy.
Case scenario 3:
George is a 63-year-old Maningrida man living in Northern Territory. He receives a diagnosis of stage I lung cancer. This diagnosis came after visiting an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO) for his usual management for cardiovascular disease.
As a group, prepare a Kaltura Capture Video Presentation and PowerPoint. You must briefly
introduce your case scenario and provide a brief outline of the person’s health needs.
All groups must address the following questions in relation to the designated topic:
Questions (Each question requires 2-3 PowerPoint slides):
- Identify ONE potential challenge that may impact the person from having equitable access to health care. Explore this challenge within the context of historical, political and social influences for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people/s and communities. Use relevant literature from the past seven years to support your discussion.
. Describe the strategies you could include in clinical practice to promote equitable and culturally safe health care delivery for your case scenario. Describe how power differentials could be minimised with these strategies.
- Identify and critique anti-racist strategies and/or policies that could be implemented by healthcare organisations for your case scenario. Use current (i.e., from the past seven years) evidence-based strategies and literature to support your analysis.
- Investigate ONE local community Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples resource or organisation relevant to your case scenario. Critically analyse how this resource or organisation meets best practice when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people/s and communities.
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