NURBN2021 Primary Health 2: Health Promotion Task 3

Assistance on Health Promotion Video Infomercial and Supporting Poster

TASK 3: Health Promotion Video Infomercial and Supporting Poster

Due dates:

Part 1. The Group Contract due week 3 March 17th 23.59 pm (5 Marks – group mark)

Part 2. Video, Reference list and Poster due Week 12 May 26th 23.59 pm (Video 25 marks and poster 25 marks- group mark)

Part 3. Individual Reflection of Group Participation and Teamwork Week 12 May 26th at 23.59 pm

(Individual mark -5 marks) Total Grade Weight: 60%

Research and Writing time: approximately 60 hours

NOTE: This is a group work assignment where students will be assessed as a group, but there is one component of the grades that will be allocated as individual marks. Students will be asked to provide an Individual Group Reflection Document at the same time as the final tasks are due.

Purpose: Nurses need to be able to work effectively in teams to communicate, motivate and influence change in the community to promote health. In order to promote health effectively, nurses engage concepts of community empowerment, advocacy, change and health education. This task is intended to further develop your professional skills and confidence working in groups to use contemporary communication approaches for a population group to clearly promote health.

Description: Using this document and the relevelant marking guides (refer to Moodle) for this task students should prepare their work by doing the following:

  1. Students are to join a group in Moodle for their campus cohort, and decide on a topic and community and population group to focus their task on (you can use a geographical location explored from NURBN 1016). The group must then sign a work contract for the The contract should have the topic and population group clearly identified and list how often the group will meet and who will be the group leader. The contract is due by Week 3 Friday March 17th 23.59 pm to be submitted in The Group Contract Submission Link. The contract is worth 5 marks (group mark).
  2. Students then throughout the semester will work in groups of 4 and produce a 10-minute motivational video and a supporting poster that can be shown in doctors’ clinics, community or hospital spaces to promote health for their chosen community population group. The 10-minute video should be designed to consider your target population, their development and cultural needs and their Considerations should be given to the messages conveyed about the health issue and how to modify certain behaviours to improve health outcomes. The video should not just be where students get up and just talk to the camera. It needs to be engaging and marketed to the audience and props and dramatic flair should be used to make it interesting. The video should use mixed media of power points, and images and students need to be embedded speaking into the

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