You have been identified as being eligible for a supplementary opportunity to demonstrate you can meet the learning outcomes of this course. This task therefore requires you to show your understanding of how the determinants of health listed below influences health for the people living in your community (LGA). Choose 3 from the list below for this supplementary assessment. File Type: Word Document. NO PDF FILES ACCEPTED
Due Date: 03 January 2023 1700hrs
Weight: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory – You can only pass or fail this assessment.
Word count: Approx. 1000 words – Essay format; 1.5 – 2.0 Line spacing; Font Calibri or Arial 10 or 11 point
References: Minimum 7 different sources, APA 7th format
Submission: Submit through Turnitin drop box in Moodle – Supplementary Assessment Submission
Instructions: Consider your LGA and vulnerable populations within it. Research and locate a vulnerable population within your LGA such as those living with a disability or a cultural minority. List and explain three (3) determinants of health that apply to this vulnerable population with links to health concerns within the LGA from the list below. Consider the economy of the LGA, physical environment, transport/mobility and health services available in the LGA. You need to reference where you get your information from, using correct APA 7th referencing format and intext citations.
- You should have minimum 1 -2 journal article research for each of your 3 determinants of health –DO NOT RESEARCH ALL DETERMINANTS ON THE LIST – Choose only 3!
- You should include supporting information from the textbooks for the course – Liamputtong and Germov – as part of your research and
- Do NOT include any previously completed information from assessment 1b or assessment 2 in your supplementary assessment as this is plagiarism.
- This is a standalone assessment
- Which 3 determinants of health apply to your vulnerable population – list is
- How does the economy of the LGA impact your vulnerable population?
- What are the health concerns that impact your vulnerable population and how do they align with your 3 chosen determinants?
- You must discuss all of these points to pass the assessment. You cannot only discuss two determinants, you must discuss all 3 in You should average 200 words minimum for each determinant. This will leave enough word count to discuss economy and health concerns to the level required to pass this assessment.
Determinants of Health presented in NURBN 1016:
- Income
- Education
- Employment
- Housing
- Transport
- Environment
- Gender
- Discrimination
- Behaviour
**You must submit through the supplementary assessment link through TurnItIn on the Moodle assessment page. Your similarity score will impact your assignment credibility and will be factored into your marking along with your referencing and can lead to referral for academic integrity breach if plagiarised.
Marks from this task do not go towards your final grade. If you pass this task you will pass the course with a 50 P only. You must correctly demonstrate understanding of a minimum of 3 determinants of health and how they apply to a vulnerable population in your LGA to pass this task.
If you have any further questions, please contact your campus course coordinator.
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