Task Overview
Assessment name | Written Assignment NUR3201 |
Brief task description | Students are to read a coronial case report to conduct a critical analysis of key Quality and Safety concepts within the case. Comprehensive details of the required task can be found in the ‘Task Information’ section of this document and the assignment
marking rubric provided on your course study desk under ‘Assessments’. The case to be analysed is the Inquest into the death of Patient C (Queensland Coroner, 2020). Students are to utilise current, and relevant Australian literature to support the analysis and should specifically link supporting literature to the case. The analysis should relate to patient assessment, recognition of deterioration and communication provided from the Registered Nurses within their scope of practice whilst caring for Patient C. |
Rationale for assessment task | Appropriate assessment and communication can save lives and improve patient outcomes. This assignment will ask the student to consider their role and accountability as a Registered Nurse in this process, to prepare them for clinical practice where they will be required to work within the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards. This assignment requires students to work closely with the National Safety and Quality Health Service https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/sites/default/files/migrated/National-Safety- and-Quality-Health-Service-Standards-second-edition.pdf
As a student and soon to be registered nurse you have access to pathways, policies, guidelines, and procedures to guide your decision making, thus students are to conduct the critical analysis of this case referencing key pieces of information/examples specifically from the case and using appropriate guidelines policies and contemporary literature to support the analysis. |
Due Date | 12th August 2022 by 2355 AEST |
Length | Word limit is 1800 words – 10% deviation allowed (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices) |
Marks out of: Weighting: | Maximum Grade 70
Weighting 45% |
Course Objectives measured | CO-
1, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Task information
Task detail | To successfully complete this assignment, you will need to include all the following.
Introduction (approximately 300 words) The introduction should set the scene for the critical analysis of the case of patient C in the context of Communicating for Safety, Partnering with Consumers and Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration Standards with consideration to the accountability and responsibility of a Registered Nurse. Body & Analysis of the Case (approximately 1200 words) This focused analysis should specifically relate to the Registered Nurse’s role in assessment and recognition of deterioration, communication for patient safety and family centred care within their scope of practice whilst caring for patient C. 1. The analysis should commence with a discussion around the key safety concepts that this case highlights and that the analysis will address. With a focus on the responsibility, accountability, and communication requirements of the Registered Nurse within their scope of practice. 2. Students should use examples from the case to highlight missed opportunities from the perspective of a Registered Nurse in their clinical assessment of the patient, provision of nursing care communication and accountability. 3. The analysis should include a discussion of the types of ongoing assessments, communication and documentation considered important from the practice of the registered nurse. 4. Students must address the relevance of these areas as it relates to nursing communication both electronically and verbally and the accountability that a nurse exhibits or should have exhibited in these interactions. The analysis of this case should use pertinent literature regarding concepts of human factors, teamwork, and effective communication (both written and verbal) and the impact and implications of these on effective decision-making and provision patient C’s care. Consideration should be given to the impact of these on the RN’s role in escalation of care to maintain patient safety. 5. Students must provide a synopsis of suitable strategies that could be implemented to risk mitigate missed opportunities found in the case that relate to and demonstrate knowledge of the Registered Nurse’s responsibility and accountability for communication and detecting and responding to acute deterioration. In this discussion students should consider the National Safety and Quality in Healthcare Standards and reflect upon ‘if the health service were to work with patient C’s family what other strategies (other than those recommended by the QLD Coroner and the QLD Ombudsman) could they put in place to prevent another similar incident occurring?’ Students need to demonstrate synthesis of published material within the student’s own analysis to demonstrate appropriate conclusions. The analysis must be supported by relevant and contemporary literature (a minimum of 8) including peer reviewed journal articles (that report on empirical evidence), plus relevant Australian standards, codes, health policy and guideline documents. Conclusion (approx. 200 words) The conclusion draws your argument together and restates your thesis. It is generally a shorter paragraph than the introduction. Remember a conclusion should: |
6. restate the argument without introducing any new information
7. remind the reader of the two or three points which provide the most important support for the argument 8. draw the essay to a close. |
Writing Style | This assessment piece will be written in the form of an academic piece of work (section headings are permitted) providing references to relevant peer reviewed articles peer reviewed journal articles (that report on empirical evidence), plus relevant Australian standards, codes, health policy and guideline documents. Students need to demonstrate synthesis of published material with the student’s own analysis to demonstrate appropriate understanding and application of key Safety and Quality concepts within the case. Students should not restate or provide a synopsis of the case in their work. |
Referencing/ citations | · For this assessment, you will use APA 7th referencing style.
· Sources: your reference list must include at least 8 scholarly sources with the majority no older than 6 years old. · In text citations: You must include intext citations in the body of your work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source. |
Formatting Style | Double spacing, font size 12, page numbers to be included |
Resources required to complete task | Resources
1. Coroners Court of Queensland s (2020) Inquest into the death of C. Retrieved from: https://www.courts.qld.gov.au/ data/assets/pdf_file/0011/658028/nif-c-20200907.pdf 2. National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards https://www.safetyandquality.gov.au/sites/default/files/migrated/National-Safety-and- Quality-Health-Service-Standards-second-edition.pdf Assignment Extension Requests Request for extensions are for extenuating circumstances only and must be at least three days prior to due date. Please see link to the USQ policy for how to request an extension https://www.usq.edu.au/current-students/academic/assignments Referencing Support https://www.usq.edu.au/library/referencing Assignment Support |
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