Task overview
Assessment name | ASSESSMENT Assignment 1b - Presentation Assessment |
Brief task description | Assignment 1b requires students to produce a CANVA poster based on two ethical principles arising from the provided case study. The poster presentation requires students to explore two ethical principles and the conflict arising in more depth. Students are to provide a Voiceover presentation of the poster that shares the ethical principles you have chosen, the conflict arising and the strategies to resolve the issue.
A script that includes the discussion and core assignment requirements must also be provided. |
Rationale for assessment task | As the complexities of caring for a patient in our healthcare system increases there is a need to improve our own critical thinking processes, our capacity to work in complex organisations and in making decisions as part of an interdisciplinary team. Our ability as registered nurses is affected by our awareness of the importance of our professional responsibility when ethical issues arise in practice.
Ultimately the decisions of a registered nurse can improve, change, or benefit patients, families and colleagues and peers. |
Due Date | 22 August 2022 at 2359 AEST |
Length | The assignment requires the student to provide the following:
· A CANVA poster with voiceover presentation that should not exceed 100MB in size · The voice over poster presentation is a maximum of 5 minutes duration and is to be recorded by you. · Presenter notes as a presentation script that includes the discussion and core assignment content must be provided |
Marks out of: Weighting: | 30% of final grade (marks out of 60) |
Course Objectives measured | Course Objectives assessed:
1. Critically apply relevant legal and ethical principles to future health care practice situations at the level of a beginning Registered Nurse. 2. Interpret, analyse and apply the nursing scope of practice in health-related scenarios. 3. Examine clinical leadership principles in nursing practice. 4. Engage in critical discussion which explores the relationship between professional identity, role conflict and role boundaries. 5. Interpret, analyse and explain professional formation through linking theoretical concepts of caring to clinical practice environments and lifelong learning. 6. Apply exemplary communication in digital technologies and therapeutic relationships working with, and leading inter-professional teams in care decision making practices. |
Exemplar/Example provided | Information relating to the assessment task are provided in the Assessment tab on Study Desk. A frequently asked questions forum is available to ask relevant questions
Consultation times can be accessed throughout the week at the times advertised on Study Desk |
Task information
Task detail | Please refer to the Royal Commission Case Study in the hyperlink below and the recording on study desk in the Assessment Tab.
The case study highlights key areas where breaches in ethical principles occur. The scenario presented by the resident’s relative identifies where areas of neglect has occurred. Your manager seeks a poster that shares two ethical principles of concern identified in the case study, the conflict arising and the strategies to resolve the issue as a Registered Nurse in residential care practice. The presentation could be provided at an upcoming Symposium at the Hospital. The Manager provides you with 5 articles found in the Assessment tab that must be used by you in the assignment. Your manager asks you to prepare a CANVA poster and voice over that: - Introduces and discusses two ethical principles of concern - Discusses the conflict arising, the significance and impact of neglect in the role of the Registered Nurse in aged care - Clearly articulates the strategies used by the Registered Nurse in upholding their duty of care. The presentation includes an introduction of two ethical principles, a synopsis of the ethical principles in nursing care including the significance, the impact of neglect and the strategies to ensure the Registered Nurses duty of care is upheld. Your manager also needs a script that includes the discussion of the key areas referenced and ready to present at an upcoming symposium at the hospital. Five references are provided and are available on study desk (Assignment tab, 1b). These must be used in the assignment. Students are required to use all reference sources provided and to locate and utilise a minimum of a further three (3) articles. Case Study Royal Commission Case Study Guidelines / structure Your assessment is required to be developed in the style of a visual CANVA poster with included audio presentation and script. The presentation is to contain the following sections: • Introduction –The introduction should provide an outline of your intended poster discussion based on the case study and the two chosen ethical principles for investigation. The presenter notes provide the synopsis of your discussion in a script of your voiceover. • Synopsis of Ethical Principles arising - This section requires a synopsis of the two (2) ethical principles of concern arising from the case study, the significance and impact of neglect and the duty of care of the Registered Nurse in residential settings, arising from the chosen two (2) ethical principles identified. This section must be linked to the literature. Five references are provided to students and are available on study desk (Assignment tab, 1b). Students are required to use all reference sources provided and to locate and utilise a minimum of a further three (3) articles. • Implications of neglect in upholding ethical principles– This section requires a summary that specifically shares the role of the registered nurse in relation to the mitigation of the impact of neglect in upholding the chosen ethical principles and the situation identified in the case study. The section must be supported by the literature (both provided articles and a minimum of 3 others). • Strategies– This section requires you to consider a minimum of 3 strategies that relate to the case study, the registered nurse’s ethical responsibility with respect to the ethical principles arising and the duty of care of the Registered Nurse. A rationale for each strategy, referenced to credible, contemporary literature is required. |
Writing Style | · One CANVA poster is required to be submitted with a Voice Over of the poster completed.
• The presenter notes relating to the voiceover must be included as a separate word document. The presenter notes provide your script of the poster’s discussion that is being presented. • CANVA conventions are available in the Portfolio tab on Study Desk • Presentation conventions are expected as per https://www.usq.edu.au/library/studysupport/assignments/assignment-structure-and- writing/presentations • Academic Writing Style as per USQ assessment guidelines. https://www.usq.edu.au/library/study-support/assignments/academic-writing-andproofreading |
Referencing/ citations | • For this assessment you will use APA 7th referencing style.
• Sources: The reference list must include all provided references found on study desk in the Assessment Tab - Assignment 1b. There are five (5) articles in this section. Further scholarly sources that are no older than 6 years old may also be used, a minimum of three (3) is required. • In text citations: In-text citations must be included in the body of work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source. |
Formatting Style | Presentation formatting
• The CANVA poster must have a voice over provided by you. • The CANVA poster presentation must contain a presenter script in word as a separate document • The presentation must contain the following items: a file no larger than 100MB; presented and recorded in your own voice. • Listen to / watch the recording before you submit it to check for sound and video quality • Keep a copy of the recording prior to submission • Follow the instructions for creating a media file that is located on study desk in Assessment Tab 1b and in the CANVA poster development section in the Professional Portfolio tab on study desk |
Resources available to complete task | The NUR3020 StudyDesk Assessment Tab contains the following resources to help you with this assessment:
• Student Tool Kit – Assessment & Study Skills: Academic Writing. • The guide to CANVA posters in the WordPress portfolio tab on study desk • Unpacking the assessment recording under the Assessment 1b area. • Student consultation times are available each week as advertised on the NUR3020 Study desk Study Schedule. • Support for academic writing (and referencing) is available from the Learning Advisor and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their site: Study and Research Support for Health & Community students |
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