NUR3020 Professional Transitions - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Critical Analysis of the Case Study

Task overview


Assessment name


Written Assessment, Assessment 1a

Brief task description

This written assessment is a critical analysis of the provided case study that explores ethical responsibilities in the practices of the Registered Nurse.

Rationale for assessment task

As the complexities of caring for a patient in our healthcare system increases there is a need to improve our own critical thinking processes, our capacity to work in complex organisations and in making decisions as a Registered Nurse in an interdisciplinary team often when conflict arises in our personal and professional responsibilities. Our ability as Registered Nurses is affected by our awareness of the importance of our ethical responsibility. Ultimately the decisions of a Registered Nurse can improve, change or benefit patients, families, colleagues and peers.

Due Date

August 8th, 2022, at 2359 AEST


The essay is 1000 words +/-10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes the reference list and appendices)

Marks out of: Weighting:

20% of final grade (marks out of 40)

Course Objectives measured

Course Objectives assessed:

1.       Critically apply relevant legal and ethical principles to future health care practice situations at the level of a beginning Registered Nurse.

2.       Interpret, analyse and apply the nursing scope of practice in health-related scenarios.

3.       Engage in critical discussion which explores the relationship between professional identity, role conflict and role boundaries.

4.       Interpret, analyse and explain professional formation through linking theoretical concepts of caring to clinical practice environments and lifelong learning.

5.       Apply exemplary communication in digital technologies and therapeutic relationships. working with, and leading inter-professional teams in care decision making practices.


Exemplar/Example provided

Information relating to the assessment task are provided in the Assessment tab on Study Desk. A frequently asked questions forum is available to ask relevant questions

Consultation times are available several times per week as advertised on Study Desk.

Task information

Task detail

The case study highlights key areas in the ethical decision-making capacity of the Registered Nurse in a ward environment. The case study presents a situation where personal and professional conflict arises that requires the colleague, a Registered Nurse, who has been approached by an Enrolled Nurse with information that causes tension, a need for solid professional judgement and for sound conflict resolution.

Your Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) is keen to develop graduate nurse skills. The NUM is aware that the situation raises concern in the clinical area and to ensure that all staff are equipped with the skills required to approach and manage these situations appropriately, your Nurse Unit Manager seeks a:

1.       Critical evaluation of the ethical principles arising from this case that relates to the conduct of the Enrolled Nurse.

2.       Summary of the key ethical principles in relation to your professional role as a Registered Nurse.

Case Study

The newspaper article and excerpt from the Tribunal report provides the scenario for the assignment.

The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA) Tribunal Outcome in 2021 report Synopsis from the report

On 17 July the nurse was at work and made comments to colleagues to the effect that she had helped the deceased to die, that she was proud of this, and that she believed in euthanasia, believed that it should be discussed, and more of it should occur. She referred to herself as the angel of death, and as Dr Kevorkian. When questioned about these statements by her employer, the respondent admitted that the morphine she had administered to the deceased was not a normal dose, because she was not going to let the deceased suffer, and said that she had acted in the best interests of the deceased. Following this, her employment was terminated on about 26 August 2014. Her registration as an enrolled nurse expired on 30 May 2015. At the hearing she said that she had not worked since, as a nurse or otherwise.

The complete Tribunal report is included in the ‘Assessment Tab, Assignment 1a’ on study desk.

Assessment Guidelines Guidelines / structure

Your assessment is required to be developed in the style of an essay for submission. A recording is provided in the Assessment tab that outlines each section of the assignment in detail.

The essay is to contain the following sections:

a.     Introduction (100 words) –The introduction needs to provide the reader with an outline of the intended discussion based on the newspaper article, the AHPRA Tribunal outcomes and the ethical principles arising.

b.     Critical Evaluation (500 words) – This section is a critical evaluation of the ethical principles arising from the case. It is not a discussion about euthanasia. The critical evaluation must relate to the conduct of the Enrolled Nurse and the discussion held with the Registered


Nurse in the included newspaper article. The critical evaluation must be supported by peer reviewed journal articles and evaluate the ethical principles arising in relation to conflict in the case study.

c.   Presentation of Key Findings (400 words) – A summary of the main points and key findings that specifically relate to the overarching professional responsibilities of the Registered Nurse. These professional responsibilities will include a summary of the ethical obligations of the Registered Nurse and how these were communicated with colleagues. A conclusive summary of the key points raised must be presented to conclude the assignment.

Writing Style

•          The essay should be written in third person.

•          Essay writing conventions are expected as per writing/essays

•          Academic Writing Style as per USQ assessment guidelines.

Referencing/ citations

•          For this assessment you will use APA 7th referencing style.

•          Sources: The reference list must include a minimum of 6 peer reviewed scholarly articles that are no older than 6 years old. Additional professional resources may be used.

•          In text citations: In-text citations must be included in the body of work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source.

Formatting Style

Essay formatting

•          Double spacing,

•          Font: 12 point, Times New Roman

•          Footer (each page) which includes:

o    unit code and unit name,

o    semester and year,

o    assignment title,

o    student name, student number

o    page number

Headings should be used to organise the essay. Please use the headings in the ‘Guidelines/ structure’

description of the Task Detail section of this document.

Resources available to complete task

The NUR3020 StudyDesk Assessment Tab contains the following resources to help you with this assessment:


•          Student Tool Kit – Assessment & Study Skills: Academic Writing.

•          Unpacking the assessment recording under the Assessment 1a area.

•          Student consultation times are available each week as per NUR3020 Study desk Study Schedule.

•          Support for academic writing (and referencing) is available from the Learning Advisor and Liaison Librarian, you can find information and contact them via their site: Study and Research Support for Health & Community students

Submission information

What you need to submit

 One Microsoft Word document or Adobe PDF document:

Submission requirements

No coversheet is required but footer must include: unit code, unit name, semester and year, assessment title, student name, student number

Do not include the marking criteria sheet This assessment task must:

File Name Conventions

 Save your document with the following naming conventions:




All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare grading decisions before marks or grades are finalised.

Academic Integrity Statement

 Student’s should be familiar with USQ’s policy on Academic Integrity:

Turnitin has been enabled on the submission point to assist students to identify, correct and paraphrase content and therefore avoid plagiarism.

All students must complete the Academic Integrity Module prior to commencing this assignment.

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