NRSG375 Clinical Leadership - Reflection Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Audio Visual Presentation

ASSIGNMENT 1- Reflection Assignment (via an oral digital format)

Students to produce a 5 minute audio visual presentation about clinical leadership.

Reflect upon your personal experiences where a nurse clinician (buddy nurse, CNS, ANUM, NUM, Clinical Educator) displayed qualities consistent with clinical leadership or not, ie demonstrated/or not leadership attributes such as communication, delegation, advocacy, motivating and inspiring attributes. Explore this through applying relevant leadership theory and support from contemporary literature.

Purpose: Through the use of familiar technology you are required to design and produce a 5 minute audio visual presentation which relates to leadership expectations for registered nurses. This will be done by the student applying relevant leadership theory to an observed example(s) of health care practice from a previous clinical placement experience, where leadership attributes were either displayed or not. You will submit this assessment in the format of a narrated PowerPoint with notes/script embedded. You will explore what characteristics of clinical leadership were evident in the example and support these with evidence from contemporary literature. The narrated PowerPoint should be no more than 12 slides (including 1 for References) and no more than 5 minutes of narration.

Learning outcomes assessed:     LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5

How to submit:                                Into the NRSG375 LEO assessment folder of your campus tile assignment dropbox labelled assignment task 1

Return of assignment:                    Results will be released via LEO gradebook

Assessment criteria:                      Criterion (Rubric) assessment Narrated PowerPoint audio visual presentation

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