NRSG374 Professional Development Resource - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Narrated PowerPoint


Professional Development Resource– Narrated PowerPoint

Weighting:                                        50%

Length and/or format:                    Narrated PowerPoint 1500 Words      +/- 10%

Purpose:                                           To promote best practice and demonstrate your understanding of the palliative care approach to nursing, students will create a professional development resource presented as a narrated PowerPoint supporting ongoing professional development for peers on ONE of the provided topics. Application of the National Palliative Care Standards and other relevant contemporary evidence-based literature will support your professional development resource. The intended audience for this resource is third year undergraduate students and/or graduate RN’s.

Learning outcomes assessed:     LO2, LO3, LO4, LO6, LO7

How to submit:                                Students should upload their Professional Development Resource as a Word Document via Turnitin submission Drop Box on their specified campus Leo Tile.

Return of assignment:                    Grades and feedback will be returned electronically via Turnitin.

These will be available 3 weeks post the date of submission as per ACU Policy.

Assessment criteria:                      The assessment will be marked using the criteria-based rubric.

Please note that all content is to be referenced according to ACU’s APA 7th referencing guidelines.

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