ASSIGNMENT 1: Discussion Forum Posts
Assessment 1 is composed of 3 discussion forum posts that each poses a question that will prepare you for transition from student to graduate Registered Nurse.
Length and/or format: This assessment is composed of 3 posts. Each post has a word limit of 350 words (total = 1050) +/- 10%
Purpose: Contributing to discussion forums is an important role of the graduate Registered Nurse. This assessment poses three questions that will prepare the student for transition from student to graduate Registered Nurse. The use of a Discussion Forum has been chosen to enhance your awareness of the professional requirements when engaging in forums as you transition to a graduate Registered Nurse. Discussion forums encourage interaction, reflection and feedback from peers.
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO5
How to submit: You are required to post your answers (with supporting references) to the LEO discussion forum before the due date and time. Post 1, 2 & 3 must also be copied, in their entirety, to a Word document and submitted via Turnitin on LEO before the due date. Screenshot evidence of forum participation should be submitted within the same document. Multiple submissions can be made up until the due date for the assessment (please note that there can be a 24-48 hour lock out period between each submission). Resubmissions are NOT permitted after the due date.
Return of assignment: Grades and feedback will be made available through Turnitin in accordance with ACU policy.
Assessment criteria: The criterion-referenced rubric in Appendix A should be used to guide your writing. This rubric will also form the basis of your feedback for this assessment item. Please note that a component of this rubric includes evidence of participation.
Assessment Task – Topics:
Post 1. Transition from Student to Registered Nurse can be challenging at times. Critically reflect on one (1) nursing work specific challenge you expect to experience personally as you transition from student to graduate nurse. Construct and analyse (1) strategy that you could implement to address the identified issue. Justify your discussion with evidence-based literature. (LO3 & LO4).
Post 2. Have you noticed differences between RN and student nurse roles while on PEP? Critically analyse on one (1) legal and/or ethical difference between your current role as student nurse and your future role as Graduate RN. Your answer should provide a personal example from your undergraduate clinical experience and discussion must be justified with evidence-based literature (LO1 & LO2).
Post 3. Will you use social media to transform your own future professional practice? Critically discuss the positives and negatives of social media when transitioning to practice. Support your discussion with evidence-based literature. (LO5).
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