Summary - NERO Introduction Gangs offer protection and food in exchange for allegiance. Teacup dragons burned through their cages, three-headed dogs devoured bag after bag of kibble, cats started fights with jackalopes, and you with your small staff are left to clean up the mess. To your horror, you see a large hole looking down to the mortal realm. As you enter them, your navigator begins laughing, and you ask him what's so funny. While waiting for the school bus on a rainy day, you notice a set of tiny red eyes peeking out at you from a bush. You pick it up, glancing back in surprise to the woman you've had your eye on in AP Bio all semester. One day you are waiting for your father and brother to return home from a day of fishing when the town bell rings. Your grandpa gardens to keep the gnomes away. Despite the police's best efforts, nobody knew where the missing children were. Nowadays, you are tasked with being nursemaid to George, making sure that his royal highness doesn't get into too much trouble. You can't help but wonder who this being is and why every other creature seems to be in awe of its presence. Your concerns grow when he asks you to smuggle an unmarked strongbox out of Federation territory and leave it on a disputed planet. As a surveyor hired under Colonel John Stevens, you have been sent to a remote part of the western territories to scope out the land. You believe this is magic and decide to find a way to introduce it to your people without being labeled as a sorcerer and killed. Your family pushes to have the defendants tried for murder, and not for mere destruction of property. Your protests are cut short as she fires. When you find a bizarre portal that seems dormant, you wonder if both armies are after the wrong location. A few minutes of angry questioning reveal a stunning truth: She's not from Earth. This maiden, however, is not what she appears to be. It is then that you realize you are in danger of suffering the same fate. As a circus master, you have your rules. You quickly turn off the robot, but you know this is just the tip of the iceberg. When he tells you that they're memories, you don't believe him. This specific incident seems different somehow. Together, you would be unstoppable. They sound beautiful! You then carefully place them in the box and carry it out to the front. The walls are covered with newspaper clippings detailing disasters that were averted over the years, and he tells you that, as a young man, he had a very exciting life. You have just been elected mayor of a town reeling from gang violence, and you have vowed to fix the problem without becoming a victim yourself. Many decades ago, humanity sent a gigantic spacecraft with a population of over 10,000 people to colonize a recently discovered Earth-like planet in a nearby solar system. As a Sherpa for commercialized underwater excursions, you become increasingly alarmed by the number of poorly prepared explorers and by the pressure to continue despite serious safety concerns.
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