In their article titled 'Food Waste in Australia: The Freegan Response', Edwards and Mercer (2013, n. page) have identified the root causes of food waste in Australia. The authors state that the primary focus of food waste related research in Australia has identified the problem on a household level while it is critical to examine how supermarket chains have a major role to play in this issue. Accordingly, there is also a sense of denial within the Australian community when it comes to accepting that a hunger problem is present in Australia as individuals living in poverty are suffering from food insecurity. The reason why food retailers and supermarkets are the drivers of food waste is linked with their deliberate move of overstocking to create the perception of unlimited choices in the minds of consumers. The research indicates how food waste is a major economic social and environmental issue in Australia.
According to the research conducted by Devin and Richards (2018, n. page), the dynamics of the Australian food retail market are characterized by the presence of a duopoly which accounts for 70% of market share in the industry. The discussion conducted in the research indicates that the presence of this characteristic in the Australian food supply chain has granted significant power to retailers while reducing the choices and opportunities for farmers. As retailers continue to exercise their power over farmers the growers of produce merely become price takers whereby, they must comply with unrealistic and appearance-driven food standards. It should be noted that the growing financial burden of food waste is unfairly transferred to the farmers whose produce is often rejected by large supermarkets based on shape, size, and cosmetic appearance. The unfair structural dynamics of the industry promote exploitative retailer behaviors whereby, they also have the authority to offer reduced prices at the point of delivery which further drives food waste.
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