In a dynamic, global and technology driven business environment having a well-developed professional profile that clearly demonstrates you have industry required skills and capabilities and reflects your personal professional brand is imperative.
Using the insights developed from Assignment 1, you will create an Action Plan to develop the skills required of a graduate in your preferred industry and develop your online professional profile. Further building on your professional brand and teamwork experiences you will write an article suitable for LinkedIn on teamwork in the commercial world.
The remaining assessment in this unit builds on this knowledge and requires students to prepare a job application and participate in a mock interview (assessment 3). All three assessments in this unit are designed to help you develop the skills needed to be career ready in a changing and dynamic employment market. This is consistent with the Unit Learning Outcomes and Graduate Learning Outcomes.
Specific Requirements
Task 1: Introduction to Professional Identity Module
Complete the ‘Introduction to Professional Identity’ online module. This must be completed by
Wednesday 12 April 2023, by 8pm AEST. Please Note:
- This task is a hurdle requirement in this Unit. You must successfully complete the module in full by the due date and time before you can submit Assessment
- The Introduction to Professional Identity module is completed in a central site to which you have already been enrolled. You can access the Introduction to Professional Identity site using this direct link or via the tile in your DeakinSync site under the Course Resources tab.
- All the information you need to complete the module is in this central site along with a discussion board where you can post any questions you may have. A set of frequently asked questions is also pinned to the top of the discussion board – please read these first as the answer to your question may already be in there.
Task 2: My Professional Development (Report)
This assessment is comprised of three (3) key sections of content that must be addressed. In addition, this is a business report and therefore must be formatted according to the criteria set out in Section 6 of this report.
Title Page, Table of Contents
A title page, and table of contents must be included in this report. Please refer to the presentation and formatting section in this assignment brief. These are not included in the word count.
Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusion
(not required)
Section 1: My Action Plan
This section of your report is comprised of two (2) parts.
1a. Action Plan
Suggested word count: 500 words (approximately)
As identified in Assignment 1, graduate employers require evidence of specific skills and knowledge in the graduates they hire. It is therefore imperative that you use your time at University to both develop the required skills and evidence that development. To do this, you are required to create an action plan for the next 12 months to show how you plan to develop the skills and knowledge identified in the skills analysis in Assessment 1.
In this section you must:
Present your action plan in a table (not included in wordcount). Your goals must be SMART-F and be developed from the required skills you identified in Assessment 1. When developing your action plan you must:
- Include each skill from your skills development table (recommended 5 skills)
- Demonstrate 2-3 steps for each skill development
- Ensure the steps to develop your skills are from a wide range of experiences. Employers want to see that you are ‘well rounded’ and look for examples from more than one area of your life. You should therefore consider how you will broaden your experiences and identify any changes to your study plans as a result of this process (for example WIL Units, Study Abroad, volunteering and elective choices)
- Ensure that your steps are meaningful and can be evidenced, for example buying a diary is not a meaningful way to improve your self management skills, a better example could be implementing a structured priority schedule at your
Please see the Week 4 resources for a worked example of an appropriate goal and the steps to achieve it.
1b. Action Plan reflection
Reflect on why you chose these specific actions and how these will help you achieve your employment goals. To do this:
- List each skill from your Skill Development Table (Assignment 1) as a subheading, please make any changes recommended in the feedback you were given for assignment
- Reflect on each skill by answering the following questions:
- Why do you believe these specific steps will enable you to develop your skills?
- How will these steps enable you to evidence your skill development to a potential employer?
- What obstacles do you face developing these skills, that is, what is your ‘plan b’?
Include a copy of your Skills Analysis table from Assessment 1 in an appendix.
Please note: Action Plans are discussed in the Week 4 Seminar and with the Week 4 Resources.
Section 2: My Professional Brand – Online Profile
More than 70% (and rising) potential employers will look at your online presence as part of the recruitment process1. In addition to ensuring that your personal social media accounts reflects how you want to be seen to an employer, a professional profile (LinkedIn) enables you to showcase your professional brand to potential employers.
1 Business Daily (2020), ‘Keep it clean: Social media screenings gain in popularity’, accessed 21/01/21,
You are therefore required to create your online profile in LinkedIn. Refer to the Week 5 Resources for instructions.
Screenshots of all sections of your LinkedIn profile must be provided in this section of your report. Only provided screenshots will be marked. Due to privacy settings we can only mark what is included in this report and will not access your live profile.
Please see the Week 5 resources for details on what to include in each section.
You must include in your profile:
Requirement | Descriptions |
Profile Picture | A professional style photograph |
Statement |
A short headline statement that states who you are and your career goals. |
Summary Statement | Your summary statement needs to include your area of study, experiences and interests that are relevant to your career goals. Be concise and remember only a
limited number of characters are visible before the reader has to click ‘see more |
Work Experience | Provide details of employment, key achievements, and the skills and capabilities you have developed. To showcase your knowledge, skills and experience complete this section using achievement statements. Please see week 5 resources for an
example. |
Volunteer Activities and other experiences | Please use achievement statements as above. Please note: if you do not have anything to include in this section you must critically consider the impact this will have on achieving your employment goals and consider adding development of
broader experiences to your action plan |
Achievements |
This includes any awards or certifications. |
Networking | You must demonstrate your network and provide evidence of:
· Network connections · Following relevant external organisations · Following relevant internal organisation such as DeakinTalent, DeakinProfessional and WIL Business and Law Please send a request to connect to DeakinProfessional the MWL101 Personal Insight group on LinkedIn: |
Professional Communication | Tailor your profile to a professional audience – think about your target organisation/industry and develop your profile appropriately. It often helps to look at profiles of people already working in that organisation/industry. Please note that correct spelling and grammar are critical. Aim for short, clear sentences instead of
long complicated explanations. |
Please note, the Week 5 Special Event examines the importance of developing a professional brand. In addition suitable methods for addressing this section will be covered in the Weeks 5 and 6 seminars and resources.
Section 3: My Professional Brand – Network Contribution
Suggested word count: 500 words (maximum). Minimum number of references: 3
Contributing regularly and in a meaningful way to your network both increases your professional profile and can position you as an authority on a topic.
To increase your employability skills, you are required to choose one (1) of the prompts below and write a short teamwork article suitable for LinkedIn:
- “A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for ” –
Sundar Pichai
- “You do not want to be in a creative organization with everybody being like-minded and stroking each other’s creative egos. You want differences of opinion… constructively.” – Cate Blanchett
Please highlight in the heading which prompt you have chosen. Your article must:
Requirements |
Description |
Length |
Maximum 500 words – must fit on one (1) page. Please start on new page. You may use single spacing. |
Headline |
Have a catchy headline. Do not use the prompt as your headline, instead create your own headline that will attract the reader, it should be concise, engaging and between 40-50 characters. |
Hook |
Start the article with a hook (first line) that entices your network to read and share your article |
Image |
Include an image that matches the theme of the article. Pexels is a good place to start for free images (, make sure you acknowledge the image creator through referencing (not included in three references required for the article). |
Content |
Your article must be on a topic relating to the prompt, e.g. you could look at Belbin (or other) team types, team strengths, team diversity or high performing teams to name a few. Your article must relate to the professional workplace You must include: a. At least three (3) references from current sources to support what you are saying, b. Examples from your own experiences, and c. Tips or strategies to help the reader improve in the area of the topic you are writing about. |
Biography |
Finish the article with a short biography (bio) saying who you are and highlights your skills, experiences and ambitions |
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