Undoubtedly, the real wealth of the nation is people. The millennium development goals are adopted in 2000, when numerous international agencies, developing country planning entities and civil societies rallied for the purpose of poor people. The world economy is facing disasters in the form of hunger and poverty at rural levels. The economic crisis since post world war II has deeply transformed the developing economies. In the past two decades, there has been substantial development in humanitarian grounds with the effect of international agencies (Fukuda-Parr, 2007). Human rights are fully realized only if all human beings are provided full access to necessities. At the global record, the massive under-fulfillment is seen regarding human rights, in the form of hunger and poverty (Hickel, 2016).
The aim of this essay is to critically analyze the global condition of poverty and hunger in developing countries. The paper will undertake human rights grounds to examine the practical level approach for underdeveloped families. In addition, millennium development goals and future development agendas will also be discussed.
Background: The Ground Level
The global food problem is deepening in underdeveloped countries. The issue of universal human rights is discussed under ethical concepts to analyze the global prism of human survival. It is clear that the recognition of human rights is attributable to the economic policies on the basis of privatization and capitalism. Human rights define the necessary entitlements for human beings in the form of dignity. The elimination of poverty and human rights realization is carried out to clarify the needs under minimum standards (Fukuda-Parr, 2007). At national and international legal systems, human rights work to enhance the living styles of people for the acclamation of their rights. This provides that about one-fifth of humanity is living without basic necessities, food, income, education and health. This misery level provides a lack of socio-economic development in extremely poor areas. For such poor people, the elimination of poverty is likely to attain the highest level of priority regarding human rights (Hickel, 2016).
The elimination of poverty and the struggle regarding human rights is analyzed under political and ideological issues. The present global institutional order is related to the massive incidence of poverty, violation of human rights and elimination of entrenched poverty. Poverty is widespread at the global level, i.e. more than 3 billion people are having less than $2.50 per day. The inequality provides that Gross Domestic Product for 41 less developed counties is less than the top 7 rich countries GDP if combined. The malnutrition and hunger are responsible for 10.6 million young children died, estimated in 2003. Half of the world is suffering from the poverty miseries and inequalities of societies. The widespread poverty in South Asia is the largest that constitutes poor people. 43% of the world’s 1.4 billion people live in these countries, and this absolute number is increased from 1981-2005 to 548.3 million to 595.6 million.
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