Name - Raghav Malhotra Student ID - 153547211 Professor Name - Hesam Akbari Course - SYD366 Section - ZDD Date - 04/10/2022 Money Module Christy's business is taking off, and she's trying to decide whether she should quit her salon day job and focus solely on her mobile business.Her bank account looks good but at a glance, she can't easily see which transactions are related to her mobile business or her day job. She finds that at the end of the week, she's using excel to record details from her bank account and credit card to figure it out.Christy would like to record a description of the transaction indicating whether or not the transaction was income or expense and more details of what the transaction was for. Christy usually pays for supplies using her credit card.Christy's clients usually pay her in cash or by e- transfer. Once Christy's business grows to $30,000 in sales, Christy will be required to collect and pay HST.For this reason, Christy would like to know how much she's paid and collected in HST. She'd like a more robust system than Excel to manage these details. Your task is to read the User Story below and add to your model by creating a class diagram and sequence diagrams to support the scenario. Copy your diagrams to a word file.Analyze your model and outline what the .h files would look like if you generated code from your model.Include pseudo code to indicate what each method would do. Attach this word file and your visual paradigm file to your submission.
User Story As the owner of this business, I would like to record my financial transactions so that I can quickly see how much money I've made and what I owe the government in HST.For my purposes, my expenses subtracted from my income. Acceptance Criteria: 1.Must be able to query transactions by date and provide a total profit and total HST 2.Differentiate between expenses and sales - provide a running total of sales - expenses 3.Calculate the HST owed to the government by subtracting HST paid on expenses from HST collected on income. Use Case Descriptions Use Case NameCreate an income transaction Triggering EventMoney coming into the business. Brief DescriptionAllows the Owner to record an income transaction. ActorsOwner Related Use Cases
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