Module Two Assignment - Dani MacDonald

School: Southern New Hampshire University - Course: CJ 406 - Subject: Accounting

CJ 406 Module Two Assignment Name: Student Name For this assignment, choose a societal trend in criminal justice and explain how it affects the public. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Be sure to correctly cite any references in APA format in the References section.
Societal Trend in Criminal JusticeBrief DescriptionHow the Trend Affects the Public How the utilization of technology across thecriminal justice system is being increasedAs society has evolved and grown, technology hashad a similar journey. Throughout society,criminals have begun utilizing different forms oftechnology to con civilians. These individuals cansteal money and personal information to either sellor use themselves (Henson, 2017). Due to thisissue, police departments across the United Stateshave implemented new technological tools (i.e.,body-worn cameras, online cloud systems,advancements in DNA testing, etc.). Theseinstruments assist officers in solving/preventingcrimes and helping the communities around them (Davis, 2021). As such, through the utilization ofthese technological tools, rapport has beenestablished between law enforcement officials andcommunity members.For the most part, the increased use of technology across the criminal justice system has yielded a positive effect. For example, the utilization of social media by police departments has allowed law enforcement the opportunity to provide accountability for their actions and to communicate with their community members more effectively. As a result, relations between officers and civilians have drastically improved over the years (McAninch, 2019). On the other hand, the increased utilization of technology within the field of Criminal Justice has its flaws. For instance, while body-worn cameras (BWCs) were designed to hold law enforcement officers to a higher

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