Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university ASB 378 - Module 2 McGlobalization: Migration, Mass Media and McDonald's (Arizona State University) Studocu is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university ASB 378 - Module 2 McGlobalization: Migration, Mass Media and McDonald's (Arizona State University) Downloaded by Mariah Jackson ([email protected])lOMoARcPSD|23528081
ASB 378: Module 2 "Global Migraton: How New People Change Old Places" reading: "third wave" immigrants: those who immigrated afer federal immigraton law changed othere used to be limit the number of newcomers onow there is a 20,000 cap per country which enables more immigrants from Asia & Caribbean 2000: immigrants made up 11 percent of US populaton Most people move from developing to developed countries Cumulatve causaton: immigrants chose where to migrant, but it depends on their tes to other places Every country has their own ways of approaching immigraton New immigraton challenges America's identty (213) - people identfy with their old natonalites (transnatonal) America = "Hispanizaton", Europe = "Islamizaton" TO SUMMARIZE: Third wave of globalizaton = migraton Immigrants live transnatonally Migraton fows from south to north "Controlling Immigraton" reading: The Gap Hypothesis: policy gaps, labor-importng countries with immigraton control o1. Unintended consequences of policy o2. Inadequate implementaton/enforcement of policy onegatve public opinion the wider the policy gap, the stronger the public negatvity (ie. if more immigrants enter the country than expected, the public feels that the government has 'lost control over immigraton') governments have been unable to close the gap between policy and outcome because they rely on "policy instruments" (7) that don't discourage unauthorized immigrants example of failed policy instrument: foreign worker program othese guest workers have become permanent to the labor force numerous governments have increased border enforcement during 1990s to reduce infux of illegal immigrants (border patrol, air/coast patrols, fences, surveillance devices) Downloaded by Mariah Jackson ([email protected])lOMoARcPSD|23528081
Lecture videos: migraton - movement of people around the world migraton within developing world consists of 40 percent of internatonal migraton global migraton has been occurring before the 15th century homo sapiens originated in Africa 250,000 years ago and moved out of Africa over 10,000s of years Categories of migrants: oEconomic/labor migrants - from developing countries to developed countries Low-skilled laborers in factories, agriculture oPolitcal refugees - forced to fee because of politcal confict 2015: 25 million refugees Environmental migrants - moving because of environmental issues High-skilled and professional migrants - come from middle class backgrounds, highly educated oSeeking beter educatonal opportunites or they are executves of multnatonal corporatons Global migraton is a great example of how poorer countries can have important impacts on rich, core countries The number of internatonal migrants will contnue to grow The total number of global migrants is stll only 3% of world's populaton The total volume of internal migraton is much greater than the number of internatonal migrants Things to consider: ointernatonal migraton is stll difcult/expensive omost labor migraton is economically motvated (people in search of higher wages and beter living conditons) othere are huge disparites in wealth and income between developed and developing countries omacro-economic forces that push migrants out of developing countries and pull them to developed countries oincreasing economic and social connectons between developing and developed countries enable and facilitate migraton and determine its destnaton omost migrant go to countries where they already have family and friends omigrants do unskilled, low-paid, and dead-end jobs (service jobs, agriculture, constructon, garment, meat packing) owithout immigrant workers, US economy would sufer from serious unskilled labor shortage and eventually collapse
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