Model of Health Promotion Report

Assignment Help on Health Promotion Report

Instructions for completing the written reports (Part B)

Please use the template document provided separately. Submit the reports as one document.

Model of Health Promotion Report (1000 words)

A report-style critique of a chosen model of health promotion, including comparison of the theoretical perspective with delivery of health promotion as observed by the student in practice (LO2)

Should be written in 1st and 3rd person as appropriate (see instructions below)

There is no requirement for a specific introduction or conclusion.

Choose one of the three models focused on in the module:

Health Belief Model

Transtheoretical Model (also known as Stages of Change model)

Beattie’s Model

  • Chosen Model of Health Promotion (3rd person)

Write the name of the model here, including a reference. No other information should be written under this heading.

  • Brief Description (3rd person)

Please briefly describe the structure of the model. You may use bullet points to list any sections/headings that make up the model. Keep this section factual and concise. Aim for approximately 150 words in this section.

  • Explanation of Model (3rd person)

Here you should explain how the model is designed to work, including how old it is and whether it is still relevant today.

  • Application of Model to Practice (1st person may be used as appropriate)

Here you should consider any potential challenges to application/use of the model in practice. You may use 1st person here to relate this to your observations of health promotion delivered in practice.

  • References for this section

Exploration of End-of-Life Care Need (1000 words)

An exploration of one end of life care need (LO3)

Must be written in 3rd person.

There is no requirement for an introduction or conclusion.

Choose one of the care needs you have explored in the EOLC workbook.

  • Chosen Care Need

Identify your chosen care need and describe it. Keep this section concise and factual.

  • Impact on the individual and their family

Explore how this care need might affect a person at the end of their life, including impact on their family.

  • Support required to improve quality of life

Discuss how nurses might support a patient and their family in relation to this care need, in order to maximise their quality of life.

  • References for this section

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